Comments from 1handedtyper

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-18 05:38:35 My sister Ashley: Chapter 1 I also read this story (an the sequels) many times of many years, and it has always been a favorite. Thank you. Now that I finally got around to registering I wanted to leave a comment to let you know how how much I have enjoy this tale.
2015-05-18 05:35:43 Taken by my Brother This was a fantastic story! Thank you. I will certainly be reading more of your work.
2015-06-04 20:32:59 Daddy's reawakening - Chap 12 Thanks for catching the Julia/Shannon mix up, I was doing these late at night over the course of a week and definitely slipped up a few times. Will fix that. Julia is a character in the series, you should check it out from the 1st chapter.
2015-06-04 20:36:13 Daddy's reawakening - Chap 12 Also, it seems kind of fitting that if the main character is starting to have Shannon role play as his daughter, that he might be mixing up Shannon and Julia, and so I'd slip up in writing that...
2015-08-07 08:37:20 Amber's Family Part 2: A Week With Daddy What a fantastic series so far. Can't wait for more!