Comments from nunkie

Date Story title Comment
2015-06-20 19:51:29 And Then Came Dessert Anonymous reader: Thank you for your comment. Goes to show I'm not a 'writer', much less one worthy of the name. If I were, I wouldn't be wasting the talent (I obviously have not been given) on writing porn stories, now would I?
Despite the tone of your comment - for which I will assume you have good reason though not sure how much that has to do with me or my posting - I do appreciate the feedback and have made the necessary corrections throughout. I should probably not be writing in English as it is not my first language, only my fourth. It's just that English has a natural fluidity to it that makes writing a joy.
I remain very much interested in feedback beyond my spelling flaws. Was the orthography the only reason for your negative vote, or did you find other areas for improvement that I might learn from?
2015-06-21 14:28:28 Fleeting Glimpses of an Angry Wife Anonymous Reader: thank you for your feedback. My bad for not clearly categorizing the story as 'Female Domination'. You came to the story from a different angle so it didn't quite meet your expectations.
2015-06-21 14:55:37 How Angel Finally Did It Anonymous reader: fair enough, however the subject of the story was clearly identified. I hope you're feeling better by now. Do stay away from stuff you can't stomach. I'll privately consider your vote a thumbs up in the category of descriptive mastery to the degree of triggering a physical reaction.
2015-06-25 12:45:50 Under Her Thumb_(0) Anonymous reader: Must have been quite a cold shower, huh? Guess it wasn't what you bargained for. That's why the stories are tagged with categories, so you know up front what you're getting into and can decide not to.
2015-07-04 20:16:20 And Then Came Dessert Dear other anonymous reader. Your comment is highly appreciated and encourages me to take up writing again. The stories published here were written between 8 and 10 years ago for my own pleasure and later shared in a Yahoo group dedicated to female domination stories. I lost most of my stories in laptop crashes and thefts, these are the few I was able to recuperate from a few fans at the time.