Comments from Longjam

Date Story title Comment
2020-05-27 21:01:58 HOBO Chapters 1,2 and 3 Was waiting for this when you first mentioned it years a go after game of inches, love your stories, good to hear your back and is doing well health wise, keep ul the good writing.
2020-05-27 21:05:25 HOBO Chapters 1,2 and 3 Maybe the lack of rating is beacuse whenever i try to rate it, it says "bad token". Not sure why.
2020-06-04 22:12:11 HOBO Chapter 5 and 6 The rating is fixed wonderful i havent read these chapters yet but i know they will be good came on here everyday since chapter 4 to see if any new chapters have arrived, looking forward to this read keep up the good work
2020-06-04 22:44:35 HOBO Chapter 5 and 6 Looking forward to the next chapters
2020-06-10 00:19:37 HOBO - Chapter 8 & 9 Another wonderful story keep up the good work. Looking forward to the rest.