Comments from PassionateCeline

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-24 03:00:31 MY HISTORY TEACHER_(3) rcandy123, This story ranks with the best ever written!! Please write a 2nd chapter. This story needs to be continued, made me extremely wet!!!!!!!!
2015-10-11 06:20:23 The Horny Dog - Part 1: The Daughter Please continue this story!!!!!! I'm soaking wet from reading "Part 1". Part 2 no doubt will also be as exciting as the 1st. I have a feeling the dog has found a loving home.
2015-10-27 18:50:37 Feeling My Daughter: Part Two Drella, This story has made me cum three times!!!!!!!!!!! You must continue with this story, and NEVER mind what those other morons have said. Your a very good fiction writer and your topic about "Incest" is YOUR choice.
2015-10-27 11:27:28 My History Teacher 2 I TOTALLY agree with everyone else. That there better be a 3rd chapter to this story and more as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-11-15 13:34:22 The Stone Part 2 When does he get LuLu?