Comments from Stephen Brooker

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-21 15:41:03 Swinger Dad Hi there
I loved the story & I would love to know
If you are going to update your story so
we know if they are all ok at birth & if he tells
his daughter's friend that he is the father of
her baby as it would be nice for him to get to know
his son & the daughter to know her brother & his
grandaughters to know there uncle.
Look forward to seeing if you finish your story
2015-09-15 12:20:15 Adriana and the Werewolf I loved the story it is one of the best werewolf story I have readied
(thanking about it this the best)
is there going to be a part 2 so we can see if she is having pup's
& if she is his mate & how is she going to tell her family
I am very much looking forward to seeing if you do a part 2
Thanz for the story