Comments from sam jenkins

Date Story title Comment
2008-05-09 17:42:36 Outdoor Expo Thanks for the comments. Instead of me continuing the story I've been trying to get Allison to share what she was thinking and feeling at this event. We've talked about several times and believe me; it's completely different than mine! Up to the anal sex it was the best sexual experience she had ever had, after the anal sex started it was the worse sexual experience she ever had! Again, thanks for the comments.
2008-05-13 16:08:47 Outdoor Expo This is a true story and we REALLY are married. And your right, not a day goes by that I don't realize how lucky I am to be married to Allison. Here is a quick explanation of how we got back together; We lived about 700 miles apart so I called her every day at first but never reached her. After that I probably called several times a week but still never talked to her. I evenually left her a message promising not to call again. Five or six months later she called me, she was in my hometown on business and wanted to meet for lunch. We met and I thought it went well. After that we talked more often unti it was several times a day and we started seeing each other again. About six months later she quit her job and moved in with me. Within a year we were married. Again, thanks!