Comments from Beckyj1992

Date Story title Comment
2016-01-18 10:23:55 The Rest Stop: Part 2 Working on a different story right now, then probably do the resistance part 2 and either dirty old resident part 3 or the rest stop part 3. Haven't decided yet. Ty for reading ^_^
2016-01-18 21:03:55 The Rest Stop_(0) Ty for reading ^_^. Yep she is totally mesmerized by it.
2016-01-18 21:06:10 The Rest Stop: Part 2 Part 3 will definitely begin with Dave and Alyssas night together. Ty both for reading ^_^
2016-01-19 03:00:51 The Rest Stop_(0) Ty for reading ^_^. Still working on the idea of part 3
2016-01-19 03:01:36 The Rest Stop: Part 2 Ty for the positive feedback Norton X!