Comments from Hypocrites

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-19 23:33:34 VIGNETTES I - Christmas Leave Virgin_(1) Thank you. He's not a Bible anything though. A Bible "thumper" will not go to a porn site, read an erotic story and then slam it. I'm a hypocrite, I know of where I speak...LOL
2016-01-10 04:48:56 A Dutiful Daughter Good story. The incest build up was believable.
2016-02-05 22:01:03 A Haunting It is a good story. A few typos that were kind of jarring but overall, well written. I too would like to read a sequel.
2016-02-12 15:01:35 Cabin in the Woods Brief an intense and unexpected. With the lead iin I expected a salacious tale of a woman being used all weekend by...someone or something.

Caught me off guard. Nicely done.
2016-03-13 05:58:02 A Haunting: Part 2 A House Of Many Souls Becky,
Normally stories that change POV don't flow for me. It works here though in that it gives the reader "meanwhile" with out breaking my, for lack of a better word, scene cbange.

There are a few typos that were jarring enough to require more effort on my part to get around. That said, this is a good and compelling story. I'm kind of with NortonX in that I am not sure if it is a sex story or a story with sex in it. But I am liking tbis. It reads as a sophisticated horror story instead of one that uses "horror" as a plot device.

I care about the story. It makes me want to know tbings like what happened to the daughter and why is she there? Who is this Natalie? Looking forward to its continuation.