This is my first story here , hope you readers like it. Comment appreciated!
Part One: No Sex Just Setting Future Events
July 13TH,2016 a day that Dawn Foster will never forget. It's her first time going out from the Kingdom Hall on Dixie Road to spread the good word of Jehovah. Dawn was a five foot five beauty with mousy brown hair,greenish blue eye and a 32d-24- 30 figure. Dressed in a crisp white ironed blouse,navy blue skirt that came to her knees and a pair of black soft soled Hush Puppies she set out from the Kingdom Hall on Dixie Road to spread the good word of Jehovah.
Proceeding down Dixie she came to the townhouse community of Silver Spear Estate where for the first hour she has many doors slammed in her face. Then she started having some good fortune and by noon she needed to return to the Kingdom Hall to get more literature and deposit money with the church treasurer. Grabbing a quick lunch before returning to Golden Orchard Drive at One O'clock.
At first she had no luck then one person spent a half hour with her. At one forty five she had only one house to solicit. Standing outside the gate she wiped some sweat off her forehead as it was quite warm for a Wednesday in Mississauga. Walking to the veranda she knocked on the door, from inside just a minute!" was heard through the door. A few minutes later the door opens and a man in his mid thirties greets her. "Well hello there young lady and what can i do for you?"
"Sir may i have a few minutes of your time to tell you about Jehovah's planes for us?"
"Of course,would you like to come inside or talk here on the veranda? If this helps I have air conditioning and it's on!"
She accepts his offer to go inside and he leads her into the living room, motioning her to take a seat on the couch. "A glass of freshly made lemonade Miss...? Sorry i don't think i caught your name I'm Thomas Addams!"
"Dawn Foster and I would love one if it's no bother."
"None at all!" as he excuses himself and goes into the kitchen. Returning with a tray of two glasses, a pitcher of lemonade, a bowl of sugar and two spoons. "I kind of like my lemonade tart, but not everyone does hence the sugar. Passing a glass to Dawn, she sips it and flinches. Taking the spoon she adds a teaspoon of sugar,stirring vigorously before tasting it again.
"My you do like it tart don't you?" Thomas laughs at that. Then for the next hour they talk about Jehovah and his plans. Dawn suddenly starts to reel "Miss Foster are you alright?" Showing concern he gets up and helps her lay down on the couch. She sees a clock on the VCR reading 3:12 before she passes out. When her eyes open again she still on the couch covered with a thin blanket,her jacket on the back of the chair across from the couch. Looking at the VCR she sees it reading 6:10.
"Oh I'm so sorry to put you to such trouble!" She tries to get up with Thomas's help "I must be returning to the Kingdom Hall before it closes!" She retrieves her jacket and starts to leave. Out on the porch Thomas stops her long enough to hand her two envelopes, one marked for the church and the other for your eyes only. Getting back in time she hands the church envelope to the treasurer who shows her a pile of five dollars bills totaling two hundred dollars.
Getting home she takes off her jacket and the other envelope drops to her feet. picking it up she opens it and a USB memory stick and a piece of paper is found inside. Getting out her laptop she starts it then plugs in the USB stick and downloading the contents. When done she see two video clips with no thumbnails. Opening number one she waits then on the screen a room fades into view. A view of a female on a couch, with no top or bra on, her skirt up over her waist. She instantly recognizes both the girl and the couch "That's me!" She starts to shake as the video fades to black.
Opening number two, the picture fades into a close up of her pussy with what looks like cum leaking out of it. "He fucked me!" her hand going into her pants and to her shock not finding underwear. "I'm not married.I'll be excommunicated from the church if they find out!" the video stops with a sign on the screen 'Call the number inside before Saturday The 16TH'
She find the number and calls. Three ring then it's answered "Like the videos Dawn? Question for you!, did you give the money to the church yet?" She answers yes then "How do you think they'll take it if they see how you earned it?!"
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"If you don't come to my place Friday night then I'm sending the full video to the Kingdom Hall website and to all your friends!" Then a dial tone is heard along with her cries of despair
Part two Thursday July 14TH
Dawn awoke her mind still in turmoil after her experience Wednesday night. All she could think of was how her family would react to her being raped. She has been told by her parents that she was not ready to date, or to be within the company of a boy until she was twenty years old. She's also been brought up to believe that anyone participating in premarital sex was committing a mortal sin and was to be shunned in the eyes of the church. In her mind she had only one choice and that was to avoid her parents and seek advice from Elder Thompson.
Getting up she find a note from her mom "Elder Thompson wants to discuss your performance yesterday. Very proud of you- love mom" In her mind the note translated to 'Elder Thompson knows about your transgression' she shakes so bad that she needs to sit down to regain control of herself. How can i go near the Kingdom Hall now, Elder Thompson will be waiting to pass judgement on her. But if i don't go he will only come here when her parents are home and tell them of hr transgression.
Suddenly she jumps when her phone starts to ring. Looking at the screen,it's blank except for the number 905-848-4532, she recognizes it instantly, it's him again! She answers it after the fourth ring, Shakily H-h-h-e-l-l-o-o!?"
"What are you wearing Dawn? Hopefully the same outfit as yesterday, you looked so sexy with your blouse open and your skirt around your waist!"
She cuts the connection and drops the phone,shaking violently as it rings again. Watching it it finally stops after ten rings. Then the home phone starts to ring, picking it up " Not nice Dawn maybe I'll come over and meet your parents before i send the video. It's 1515 Hickory Drive isn't it?" he pauses Together we can send the video to Elder Thompson!" This time he hangs up and Dawn collapses to the floor
"He knows where I live!" When she finally gets herself under control she goes to the window expecting too see him outside her home. Working up the courage Dawn dresses and makes her way to the Kingdom Hall. No sooner is she inside than Elder Thompson emerges from the main meeting hall and greets hr warmly.
"There's Jehovah's good little servant! I must congratulate you on your collections from yesterday, $350.00 is a lot in these tough times. You and your partner did very well yesterday. I'll definitely be telling your parents what you achieved in Jehovah's name!' He shakes her hand before continuing on with his duties. Dawn is relieved but her mind has another issue to reconcile, She was partnered with Mrs. Martins but left before she came,if only i had waited then none of this would have happened. I broke another rule, young girls should be chaperoned when in company of males or in any situation that could lead to temptation. I've just secured my Shunning by the church.
This time Dawn waited for Mrs. Martins and together they set off to spread the word of Jehovah. Driving to Ashworth Square, Dawn asks Mrs Martin inappropriate Questions about losing one’s virginity in the marital bed. "Well Dawn after what i heard about you yesterday,all i will say is that it hurts and the body is a bit tender for at least a day,now no more such talk or I'll tell your parents and Elder Thompson." The rest of the drives is done in silence. The day went by fast and the return to Kingdom Hall found no sign of Elder Thompson and only $100 dollars for the church's coffers.
One her way home, Dawn's phone rings, that number from this morning. Answering it "Hel-llo?"
"Been dreaming about you Dawn!" and then a dial tone. Racing to her home Dawn passes an old maroon Cadillac Town car parked three houses up from her home. Inside Thomas watched as Dawn raced up her walkway and into the house . "Damn I'm going to enjoy popping that cherry for real tomorrow! then to no one "Dave and Mike should thank me for what I"m going to provide them!" Then he drives off