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Misty & Roo Part II

Co-written with my beloved Editor Molly

Ok so its long and not just a quick fuck, its sensual and a love story, with maybe a hint of something more
Misty’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of the barroom after being in the blazing Texas sun. The air-conditioning finally cooled her skin. She was still getting used to being in Texas, even though it’d been six weeks since her transfer. She smiled, a little ruefully. Her boss, Alice, had effectively taken over her life, once she’d discovered that Misty was the ingenue of a group she controlled called Privilege. Being the CEO of the bank Misty worked for, she’d taken an extraordinary interest in her, and her career had been fast tracked. Within a year, she’d become a senior loans clerk. Alice worked her protégé to death. She’d quickly been introduced to every aspect of banking.

Various seemingly meaningless promotions followed along with steady salary increases. Then, two months ago, Misty had been summoned to the 25th floor. Alice’s secretary peered suspiciously over her bifocals at Misty, who sat primly on the edge of the chair in the anteroom to Alice’s office. Primly, because she was trying very hard to hide the fact she wore no underwear under the sort of short skirt that Alice demanded she wear. She entered her CEO’s office a ‘Loans & Mortgage Officer’ and left as the Loans manager of their newest branch in Amarillo, with the taste of Alice’s pussy on her lips!

Now here she was. What little furniture she’d decided to take with her had arrived. Her expensive company-paid-for apartment had a wonderful view of the Route 66 District. She’d settled into having her own office, having a photo identity clipped to her blouse, hearing nervous staff call her Ms. Tiratzo, and being called into various Managers’ meetings. She hadn’t really found her feet yet. Her dog, Roo, was churlish and demanding… mainly because she seemed to spend less and less time with him as her responsibilities grew to endless proportions.

Finally Misty decided she needed a night off, and a few drinks. She glanced around.

The actual bar room was a conventional rectangle with a long wooden bar facing the traditional bat-winged doors – purely decorative now, since an outer small porch addition had a solid door to keep out the heat. Tables seem to be scattered haphazardly in the space in between bar and door. Decor seemed restricted to dim lighting and stucco. Brandi had mentioned in a long sensual email that this bar was considered the best hookup place in Amarillo. Every table was occupied; there was a single stool vacant at the far end of the bar. Misty made her way towards the empty chair. “Is this taken?” she asked the bespectacled woman in a dowdy mid-length button down gray dress sitting next to the empty stool.

Mollie looked over at the woman, and saw what she thought was a sympathetic face. “No, have a seat. No one’s sitting there right now.” As Misty sat, Mollie said, “Hi, I’m Mollie. How’re you doing?”

“Hi, I’m Misty. Is that Molly with a ‘y’ or what?”

“It’s actually Mollie with an ‘ie’ – I’m not sure what my folks were thinking when they spelled it out,” Mollie replied a little ruefully. “Are you Misti, with a cutesie ‘i’? Or Misty with a ‘y’?” Mollie countered, her speech precise, belying the smile on her lips. She took of her gold rimmed glasses and slipped them into her purse.

“Hello, then, Mollie with an ‘ie’ which sounds just fine to me,” Misty said with a chuckle. “In answer to your questions, I’m Misty with a ‘y’ and yah, I’m doing all right. How are you?”

The alcohol had loosened Mollie’s tongue somewhat. “I’m lonely. That’s how I’m doing, Misty. Thanks for asking.”

Misty looked at the pair of rings on Mollie’s left hand. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were married,” she said, gesturing at the rings.

Mollie held up her hand, looking at those rings. “Yeah, I’m married all right. But that doesn’t cure loneliness. Not when your husband is a workaholic, flying all over the place, gone for weeks at a time.”

Misty got a twinkle in her eye. “Well, that should make each reunion a hot and heavy one, right?”

Mollie sipped her drink. “You’d think so. Except when said husband then claims to be too exhausted to do much more than sleep. I hate rattling around in the house, alone or virtually alone all the time. I’ve been thinking about getting a dog, or something. I hear that dogs give unconditional love, and that’s sure something I could use a healthy dose of these days. Do you have a dog, Misty?”

Misty nodded. “Sure do. And yes, if you treat a dog right, and treat him well, you won’t be lonely. That’s for sure.”

“Ah. So I’ve got an expert sitting next to me,” Mollie said, grinning. “What breed of dog do you think would make a good companion for me?”

“I don’t know if expert is the right deion,” Misty replied, pointing to the drink in front of Mollie and holding up two fingers to the barkeeper. “I mean, I can point out that routine blood checks for capnocytophaga are helluva important things. In the same way, any family pet, even a gerbil, should be routinely checked for those bacteria. Other than that, I’d recommend having him checked regularly for worms, and making sure to de-tick & flea him. I take it that you want a him,” Misty smiled. “How ’bout we take time and visit the local pound, and see if you find someone who wants you as much as you want them.”

Mollie smiled at the pretty barkeeper who’d brought her the drink Misty had ordered. She nodded. She’d thought this through over and over the last few days. Having sex with another woman had always been one of her many secret fantasies. She’d sat alone wearing her sexiest dress for over thirty minutes before Misty arrived. Misty seemed to tick off every box she’d listed while she’d daydreamed about actually walking into this bar. The one bar she’d discovered in the area that actually catered to hooking up with members of her own gender.

“Tomorrow is Sunday and I’m not working,” Misty confided. “Perhaps we can go and look tomorrow, together?” she asked.

Mollie sipped her drink. She nodded conspiratorially. Misty was picking up Mollie’s signals just fine. After a little more chatting, and some casual touching, to which neither of them objected, she suggested they get a ride to Misty’s place. Mollie whispered her agreement, her heart racing. As she felt the blood pulsing in her neck, she wondered if she’d be able to really go through with this.

They took an Uber to Misty’s apartment. Mollie was impressed that Misty needed a keycard to access her floor and apartment. They were met at the door by a swishing, wagging tail and startling blue eyes. The dog didn’t bark, but his tail threatened to break off as he wagged it that furiously. Mollie’s attention was momentarily taken away by the spaciousness of Misty’s apartment, so she failed to notice Misty subtly raise her knee and push her dog’s face out from in between her legs. Misty took Mollie and led her by hand on a tour through the apartment. When they reached the bedroom, she closed the bedroom door behind Mollie, leaving Roo out in the hall.

Misty could tell Mollie was slightly nervous, which seemed ironic after the way she’d spoken in the bar about being lonely. But she could also tell Mollie was trying to find a way to tell her what she wanted to do. So she decided to take the initiative.

Misty moved up and kissed Mollie gently, as she pulled her even closer and unzipped her dress. With a bit of a struggle, she managed to take off Mollie’s gray dress which was better styled for a school teacher than a seductress. The blue-gray dress covered a lovely body, whose beautifully firm breasts were barely being held inside a very un-teacherlike white lace bra. Misty kissed the top of those breasts while fumbling with the clasp of her bra. Eventually, the clasp separated, and Mollie’s large breasts were free from their luxurious confinement.

After first admiring those glorious globes with her hands, Misty took one of the nipples into her mouth. While still suckling, Misty pressed Mollie down onto the bed. Mollie moaned and groaned happily as Misty cupped, fondled and sucked her breasts, teasing her nipples and becoming completely lost in them. Finally, she moved down her body and slowly pulled down a pair of damp but matching white lace panties. “Oh Mollie,” she chuckled, “I see I’m going to have to wean you off your restrictive panties habit.”

“I have drawers full of them,” Mollie replied, “It’s about the only sensual gift my husband ever gives me.”

Once Misty had removed Mollie’s moist undies, she moved her face between her legs, eager to taste her. Mollie’s pussy was not shaved nor really hairy, just basically trimmed. Misty buried her head between Mollie’s legs, adjusting her own knees beneath her to get better leverage to begin licking Mollie’s pussy.

Mollie’s natural scent seemed to be caught in her pubic hair, the musty, arousing scent wafting into Misty’s nostrils. Misty licked slowly and cautiously, Mollie’s pubes occasionally tickling her nose. Purposely, she avoided Mollie’s clit. Her magical tongue moved slowly up and down, washing over and also parting the labia. Having lapped all over those sensitive places, she began circling, letting her tongue tip roam in a teasing manner enticingly close to her clit but never quite touching it. She wanted Mollie to go a little crazy with anticipation, all the better to break through the rigid control that seemed to typify her persona. Every once in a while, Misty’s tongue penetrated Mollie’s vaginal tunnel, making her gasp with delight and need.

Mollie’s gasping moans were getting very ragged from this long teasing ordeal, and slowly Misty increased the intensity of her actions. Suddenly, and much to Misty’s surprise, Mollie’s pussy began to gush, as her whole body shuddered! “Oh my god, Misty… oh my god… I’m cumming, you’re making me cum… fuck, yes, fuck, fuck… oh my Gawddddddd!” Her further sounds were nonverbal as the strength of the orgasm rendered her speechless.

Finally, Mollie’s legs tightened and the gush changed to an ooze as it slowed. Misty continued licking at her pussy and savouring the wonderfully tart taste. Unlike any woman Misty had ever been with, Mollie’s juices had just kept coming and coming, like a tap stuck on. Her orgasm lasted at least two minutes, while Misty continued licking. Finally Mollie moaned a soft, “Hmmmm,” and carefully pushed Misty away. “First time I haven’t had to do it myself for the longest time,” she sighed.

Mollie’s heartbeat slowly subsided into something resembling normal. Misty clambered up from between her now obscenely widespread thighs. “Wow! It’s been a while eh?” she whispered.

Mollie stared up at the ceiling. Tears began pooling in her eyes as she considered her life. “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. I’ve been so alone!” Her words rushed out between sobs. “I’ve been married for fifteen years. I’ve never looked at another man except him since that time. Half the time I don’t believe he’s working all those long hours. If he comes home it’s to sleep or eat. His gifts are delivered, his cards are computer generated. And no, he’s not some secret agent. He works for Sahara Oil. I spend more time speaking to his secretary than I do to him! He doesn’t even answer his own cell phone!” The last words came gushing from her lips like a cork out of a champagne bottle.

Misty laid next to her, feeling Mollie’s passion, and helplessness. She stroked the woman, the gesture somehow seeming inadequate.

Mollie continued. “Never once, until tonight, have I cheated. Somehow, I’m not sure if it’s legally cheating to have another woman give you a mind-blowing orgasm. And I’m too ignorant to know how to reciprocate, even though I want to. All I know how to do is cuddle.”

Misty smiled. “If you really want to reciprocate, you can start by kissing me,” she whispered. Mollie scooted up a little higher against Misty and gave her a soft kiss. Hearing Misty hum her approval, Mollie kissed her with gradually increasing passion. She found Misty’s lips captivating. Encouraged, she kissed her way slowly down Misty’s neck… and along her collarbones. From there, it seemed scary, but also very natural to kiss her way down Misty’s breasts, until she reached the perky nipples.

“May I?” Mollie asked.

“I’d be insulted if you didn’t want to,” Misty replied with a friendly grin. Mollie licked and sucked those nipples, thrilled by the way they felt, tasted, and especially how they reacted. She spent a good deal of time there, listening to Misty’s increasing heartbeat and rate of breathing. A familiar, yet uniquely distinct scent was now perfuming the air, and it was coming from farther down Misty’s body. Without thinking too much about it, Mollie nibbled and licked her way south.

Misty’s mound was satiny smooth… and so were the lips of her pussy! No hair… no stubble… not a trace of them. Mollie’s fascination with that fact overcame her fear of the unknown. Her lips met those pussy lips, and sucked them gently inward. Misty moaned a happy moan, and opened her thighs even wider.

Mollie slid down fully in between those parted thighs, and began dining on the fluids Misty was offering. They tasted differently than Mollie’s own, but she loved their flavor. She licked and sucked, and finally got the courage to start tonguing.

“Yes, you lovely woman. Like that! Oh yes, exactly like that. Please don’t stop,” Misty begged, playing with her breasts as she watched Mollie perform what may have been her first act of cunnilingus. And Mollie didn’t stop. In fact, she dove right in, eating avidly! Like a child that’s always eaten bread, suddenly discovering the taste of ice cream! She sucked and scooped until Misty bucked against her mouth and lips in the throes of a wonderful orgasm! And Mollie continued eating her until she stopped bucking and sighed with satiation.

Reaching down, Misty pulled Mollie back up her body until they were cuddled together full length once again. “Thank you, darling,” Misty whispered, kissing her gratefully. “You’re a natural at this, I can tell. If you’ll stay the night, we can do this again in the morning.” She winked saucily.

Mollie stayed the night. And in the morning, they did, and it was even better the second time for both of them, since multiple orgasms are always better than just one!

Over breakfast, Mollie realized she wanted to be even sexier for Misty. She’d taken the first step, by putting on her contact lenses, rather than the glasses she’d worn to the bar. Taking a deep breath, she asked, “Misty, if you have time for me today… ummm…” She blushed a delicate pink. “Ummm… could you help me with a complete makeover? Clothes and… and… everything?”

Misty gave her a hug. “Let’s go! I hear the mall calling us!”

Once they’d parked the car at the mall, they walked hand in hand, giggling and chatting, ignoring the stares and sometimes disapproving glares of grocery shoppers or tourists. The multiple orgasms had given Mollie an inner glow. Gone was the blandness that had habitually formed Mollie’s facial expressions, and she giggled and laughed with her lover. They wandered from boutique to boutique and mall to mall. Before Mollie realized it, she had a complete new wardrobe, while her husband’s Visa card acquired some hefty new balances.

The androgynous gray-blue dress had been left at the first boutique, replaced by a designer white skirt, fitting her perfectly. High-waisted, it accentuated her hips and flared to discretely display far more of her naked thighs than Mollie ever remembered showing, even as a teenager. Misty had drawn the line at Mollie wearing any underwear at all, so Mollie felt very naughty indeed – happily so. A blue tank top of soft Irish wool bared her milky midriff and hinted she had exquisite unfettered breasts that undulated freely as she walked. Her darkened puffed-up nipples poked unabashed through the expensive weave. The top also highlighted the beauty of her collarbones and neck while accentuating the flatness of her belly for the very first time. Other stores added more blouses, designer jeans and shorts, skirts and erotic sleepwear.

A hair salon softened and curled and shaped her normally bland hairstyle. Finally, a plucking and shaping of her brows totally reversed her earlier façade; her face took on an elfin look. At a designer cosmetic counter, a cosmetician brought out the beauty of her eyes with subtle eye shadow. She then showed Mollie how to apply simple tones to enhance her natural beauty. Luscious pink gloss was liberally applied to her kissable lips. A final appointment at a very expensive beauty salon removed Mollie’s pubic hair and lasered it away permanently, leaving her pussy totally bare and reminiscently prepubescent. The beautician didn’t even raise an exquisite eyebrow when Mollie demanded that Misty stay watching the entire procedure.

Multiple orgasms and shopping had made them both hungry. The girls deposited themselves and a pile of shopping bags at a table for six at one the mall’s steakhouse style restaurants. Mollie wanted a burger and fries. The server shook her head at the mad women but took the order for 4 burgers with fries. She did ask for proof of age before she’d serve a glass of red wine to the now waiflike Mollie. She was about to turn away when the statuesque Misty pointed out that so far she’d only taken Mollie’s order. The server’s eyes bulged a little, realizing that Mollie planned to eat all 4 burgers herself. Misty ordered a garden salad with a diet Sprite.

The afternoon ended with ice cream and extremely intimate kisses and not so innocent fumbling that embarrassed everyone except the two lovers. Several times Mollie reached under her own skirt as well as Misty’s, feeling and marveling at how smooth both their pussies were now! Mollie was truly reveling in her femininity for the first time in her life!

The drive home in Misty’s still new Genesis G70 was quiet and reflective. Once again they were met in the apartment by Roo. Misty squatted, patting and petting her dog, whose tail was wagging so fast that it almost blurred. She grabbed his leash and the pair took him for a walk to the nearby park. Misty slipped him from his leash, and for the next twenty minutes Roo got rid of his excess energy.

With her dog taken care of, Misty suggested takeout. Mollie pulled out her cellphone and called a ‘Skip the dishes’ service, and by the time they reached the apartment and were sipping a Californian Chardonnay, a courier was buzzing from the lobby.

Later, the TV in the bedroom was totally ignored. Misty made love to Mollie. She enjoyed the new softness and look that had emerged in Mollie after her dowdiness had been stripped away. Neither was Mollie passive. She was passionate and her responses loving, giving and intense. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Misty cracked open her eyelids to discover a hazy Amarillo Monday morning. She held her lover close, pretending to be asleep, listening to Mollie, who was mumbling in her dreams. It was 6:30AM. After a bit, she moved slowly, pulling herself from her lover’s arms, and padded naked to the kitchen. She started preparing herself a cup of coffee, but the apartment’s coffee machine needed an engineering degree to understand. She’d managed to pop a pod into the contraption and press a button and listened to the thing begin its journey to heaven knows where. As she leaned over the counter watching the coffee machine on its mission, Roo slunk up behind her. His tongue curled into her puffy folds and Misty rolled her head on her shoulders, loving the way her dog noisily and lovingly kissed her good morning.

Misty poured creamer to her coffee while Roo was busily and diligently licking between her thighs when Mollie stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. Misty, with the island between herself and Mollie, subtly pushed Roo back with her foot. She smiled. “Coffee, Honey?” she asked rather breathlessly, since her pussy was tingling.

Breakfast was toast, eaten naked in the kitchen, after Mollie took control of the complicated coffee maker, explaining what the different buttons did to the pods. Luckily Misty had mastered the toaster.

Using Misty’s peculiar unscented shampoo and conditioner, they showered together. Of course, the soaping and rinsing got them worked up enough to make love, right then and there. Afterward, they used Misty’s toiletries and toothbrush and toothpaste and even helped each other dress – along with a little harmless fondling, which left them slightly breathless and flushed.

As Misty drove Mollie to her sumptuous, multi-story home in the foothills of Indian Hills, a community near the Cadillac Ranch, they made plans to meet at the pound after Misty finished work. Both had left the apartment in short skirts and loose tops, without underwear. Mollie had discovered that it was Misty’s standard dress code, so she adopted it as well, still feeling quite naughty at being out in public sans underwear.

The day flew past for Misty, who was called into one meeting after another all day. Her assistant fended off all calls and queries. Finally, a weary Misty emerged from the last meeting with her direct superior. The man seemed to fear her for some reason and Misty spent most of her time trying not to upset him.

Her GPS directed her flawlessly to the animal pound. Mollie sat waiting for her in a shiny air-conditioned Mercedes sedan. They greeted each other with a loving kiss or two or three before entering the pound.

The pet adoption process in Texas seemed pretty simple. And a friendly volunteer showed Mollie and Misty the adoptable selection the pound had available. Misty managed to dissuade Mollie from a female Chihuahua. She also pointed out to Mollie that the male dog mix she’d taken a shine to seemed terrified of her, secretly noting to herself that the male had been neutered. Suddenly Misty’s cell buzzed. Misty took one look at the display and excused herself.

“Yes, of course Alice! I can be back in Phoenix tomorrow. Oh, the ticket’s already at the Airport? OK, I’m on my way,” Mollie heard Misty say into her phone. Misty swiped her phone off. “I’m sorry Mollie. My boss needs me back in Phoenix tonight, and I have like an hour to get to the airport. Can we do this when I get back?” She suddenly looked stricken. “Oh my god, Roo! Mollie, I have no one to ask! Please, can you take care of Roo while I’m gone? I should be a week max! Please, please, say yes?” Misty gushed.

“Honey, I be happy to,” Mollie answered quickly. “Your Roo is a sweetie. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine. I’ve seen how and what you feed him, and I know he needs exercise. And if I have any questions, you’re only a phone call away.” After a moment’s thought, she added, “You know, this will be good experience for me in practicing taking care of a dog before I get one of my own. Do you need to go home to pack?”

“No, love. I need to race to the airport as I am. I can pick up a few things in Phoenix. Here’s my keycard for the apartment. I have a spare. Thanks so much! Give Roo a kiss and a pat from me, please. And here’s one of each for you.” She kissed Mollie firmly on her lips, and patted her fanny lovingly at the same time. “I’ll be back as quick as I can!” She then hopped into her car and tore off, her tires spitting a little gravel before she reached the pavement.

Mollie waved goodbye until Misty was out of sight, then headed for Misty’s apartment. As she opened the door, Roo romped up to greet her. If he was confused or upset that Misty wasn’t with her, he gave no indication of it. He knew her well by this point. Mollie said, “Hi, Roo. Your owner Misty will be back in a few days, so I’m here to take care of you in the meantime. She’s gonna miss you, and asked me to give you a kiss and a pat from her.” So saying, Mollie squatted down, kissed Roo’s nose, and patted his head fondly.

Roo accepted the kiss and the pat, but his nose was working hard. The scent that this female was emitting was complex, but his doggy brain was analyzing it quickly. The smell was composed of many elements that he associated with Misty, such as the shampoo and conditioner that she always used. But tangled in with that was the scent of a female in heat. As Mollie stooped down, her thighs had parted for balance, and her pussy lips opened, unleashing even more of her musky female scent. All of her recent lovemaking had activated her glands, keeping her well lubricated almost constantly. On top of that, Roo hadn’t mated with Misty for days, since the two women had been so occupied with one another.

Consequently, Roo canted his head for a second, considering, and then he lunged forward almost as soon as Mollie had squatted. The sudden movement unbalanced her! She fell as Roo’s shoulder slammed into her, finding herself bowled over. Confused, she scrambled to her knees, her short skirt riding up onto her waist.

Roo’s claws clicked as he scrambled on the shiny hardwood floor and suddenly he was behind her and half reared himself on top of her! His forepaws gripped her ribs and his rear hips began to pump, thrusting wildly, intent on entering her – fucking her! Shocked, Mollie froze with fear. Roo’s penis was still half encased in its sheath and it’s tip slid wetly between the globes of her ass. Suddenly he lunged and his back bent, and then it was almost like she and he had been practicing for this moment. That tip slid forward until it entered her vaginal opening.

Feeling the connection, Roo wasted no time and began thrusting. Mollie had never experienced anything like this! Before she could think for herself, her body reacted, thrusting back at the animal fucking her. His hot dick pummeled her intimate tunnel, making her gasp at the novel sensation. She’d been fucked by men, of course, but none had ever been this intense during their coupling. Roo’s cock was spraying her tunnel with his precum, which was copious enough that it poured out of her opening, coursing down across her pee hole and clit before dripping on the floor under her. Mollie moaned loudly, before she became rather breathless. To compensate, she began hyperventilating, and her dizziness caused her to lower her head, pillowing her cheek on her hands, and pressing her tits against the floor. Roo dismounted, pulling his cock free, which sprayed the back of Mollie’s thighs with more hot, liquidy precum.

Mollie was trying to process what’d just happened. The muscles of her cunt were now contracting on emptiness, and the moan she uttered was subconsciously tinged with frustration. Meanwhile, Roo was regarding this new bitch’s posture with instinctive approval. With her ass held up high, she was displaying her opened sex to him, emitting its aroma of need. Her forequarters were lowered submissively. Her sounds indicated a need for breeding. And his balls demanded to be emptied. Again he reared up and planted his forepaws on her back. His cock easily found her receptive cunt, which he entered with a firm thrust. His paws slid into the notch between her hips and her thighs and with excellent leverage, he began humping hard!

Still confused, Mollie jerked when she felt Roo’s paws land on her back again. But she had no time to react before her pussy once again felt the impalement of the dog’s hot, slippery penis. She thought, “Not again!” But the groan that emerged from deep inside her throat was a mixture of humiliation and lust. Once again, she felt Roo humping, hammering, pummeling her cunt with what felt like demonic fury, but was really only his normal mating rhythm. Roo had only one speed – furious!

Roo’s forelimbs exerted pressure on Mollie’s hips, both pinning her down in place, and pulling her backward toward his jackhammering thrusts. Even so, the force of the dog’s impacts threatened to push Mollie across the floor. Instinctively, she planted her hands on the floor and pushed backward. As she did so, Mollie felt something hard and hot bumping her vaginal lips with each of Roo’s lunging thrusts. In her befuddled state, she thought it might be his ball sack, slapping against her. But suddenly she felt her vaginal entrance opened – opened so wide that she shrieked, feeling the stretch! She had no idea what had happened except that a large lump now filled her, and Roo, after a few more pushes, stopped thrusting.

Her senses reached sensual overdrive as the dog’s knot swelled until it sealed her dilated pussy. For a moment, the world stood still for her, and then… and then… she was flooded! It felt like hot oil being pumped into her vagina. So much hot fluid that it was pushed willy-nilly through her cervical opening and into her womb, which began inflating. With that canine knot resting under her clit, she could feel every contraction as the hot cum spurted, filling her! A mind-blowing orgasm began with a tickle in her belly and exploded, making all rational thought impossible.

How long Mollie stayed knotted to Roo, she didn’t know – or care very much, for that matter. Her cunt was full, her womb was full, and his warm belly lay along her back as they both panted. She learned very quickly that if either of them moved much, their genitals would flash with pain. So they stayed as they were… Mollie in bliss… and Roo doing and thinking whatever male dogs do when the breeding was complete, and they waited for their knot to deflate.

After a while, Mollie felt the stretch at her cunt entrance lessening, and some of Roo’s copious seed starting to leak. The air around her smelled sort of like semen, but with a tangy, sort of inky edge to it. She groaned again, loudly, as Roo back pedaled, pulling his knot and cock out of her, accompanied by an obscene squelchy sound and a cummy fart. Released, Mollie slid forward until she was flat on the floor and drifted into a light nap.

As she awakened and sat up, and felt her bloated lower belly, her aura of bliss evaporated, leaving behind guilt. “Oh my god,” she berated herself mentally, “I just did a really perverted thing with a dog! And not just any dog… with my new lover’s dog! If she finds out somehow, she’ll never forgive me! I’m so ashamed!”

Ever sensitive to a human’s scent and body language, Roo reacted to Mollie’s stress. He padded over to where she sat on the floor, and licked her face. It was a tentative sort of lick – a doggy attempt at reassurance. Mollie understood, and said, “It’s OK, Roo. It wasn’t your fault. You’re a good boy. I guess I gave off the wrong sort of signal or something.” She patted his head. “Tell you what. Let’s take you for a romp in the park, so you can let off some steam. This will never happen again, OK? It’ll be our little secret.”

So they went to the park, let Roo exercise, and came home. Mollie gave him food and water, and fixed herself some dinner. She had no reason to leave the apartment, since her husband wasn’t due home from this trip for 3 more weeks. After a shower, she watched TV until she fell asleep. Her dreams were plagued with images of dog sex, as her brain tried to come to terms with the day’s novel events.

The next day, Mollie tried to keep occupied. She tried to put what had happened with Roo out of her mind. She cleaned the apartment, shopped for food, and exercised Roo. After dinner, she put on a bathrobe and sat on a chair while she worked on her feet with a pumice stone. Roo watched her attentively. “Yes, my feet were getting a little rough, boy,” she confided out loud to him. That made her pause. “You know, it’s a good thing your claws didn’t tear my blouse yesterday,” she said, more to herself than to him. “May I see your paw, Roo?” She accompanied the question by holding out her hand. Obligingly, Roo placed his paw in her hand. “Wow, your nails are lovely, Roo. Like a lovely manicure. Or would it be a ‘dogicure’ I wonder?” She giggled. “And no dewclaws, either. Nice.”

But talking about it brought back the image of herself on her knees, ass up, with Roo giving her the fucking of her life. She shivered at that memory, and, trying to blot it out, quickly returned to her work with the pumice stone. To get at her foot, she had to place it atop her other thigh, which parted her thighs. Even thinking about what had happened caused her body to react by starting to lubricate. Roo’s sensitive nose immediately detected that scent.

He moved slightly forward, ducking his head under Mollie’s upper leg and bringing his snout to her crotch. Before she could move, Mollie felt his long, hot tongue digging into her slit! Once again, the shock of the unexpected froze her in position. Roo kept lapping rapidly, scooping out her pussy juices, and inserting his tongue even farther each time. In seconds, Mollie felt the tip of that tongue stroke the extremely sensitive tissues on her cervix. An orgasm struck like a bolt of lightning, and the pleasure rolled through her like a long, drawn out rumble of thunder!

Without thinking, Mollie swung her upper leg down, planting both her feet on the floor on either side of Roo. She slumped against the chair back, moaning, growling and mewling with pleasure as Roo feasted on her intimate fluids. She lost track of time, allowing Roo to perform this lewd cunnilingus. When he’d apparently had enough, and Mollie stopped quivering and managed to get her eyes uncrossed, she looked down at him. Her jaw dropped when she saw his pointed pink cock, decorated with a fine netting of scarlet blood vessels, extended out of its sheath, hissing with a fine spray of precum.

“Oh my god, Roo!” Mollie exclaimed. “Are you waiting for me to… to…” She couldn’t finish that sentence. Roo just lick his chops and stared at her. She could swear he was using mental telepathy, because his message seemed quite clear. He was telling her, “You’ve had your fun, bitch. Now get down on your hands and knees so I can have mine!”

Whimpering a little, transfixed by his imperial stare, Mollie did just that. She slipped off her bathrobe and got down onto the floor, presenting her hindquarters in a highly salacious manner. Roo licked her cunt one more time, almost as if saying, “Good little bitch.” Then he mounted her, and fucked her just as hard, if not harder, than he had the day before. As he fucked her, his teeth closed delicately against the nape of her neck, which was both scary and erotic. She was lubricating like mad, and shook with a series of small orgasms like a string of firecrackers going off. Her pussy seemed more educated now, perhaps anticipating his knot this time. And he gave it to her!

Once again the inserted knot swelled and sealed her opening. Then he howled as he gushed his sperm into her. And once again, the throbbing of his knot beneath her clit sent her into an orgasm that was… well… the earlier ones were firecrackers, this one was an atomic bomb! She fainted from the intensity of it. When she regained her senses, she and Roo were still tied together, but somehow he was facing away from her, leaving them ass to ass. He was wagging his tail slowly as he panted, and that tail was moving back and forth across her back and ass in a sensuous caress. Guilt tried to raise its ugly head again, but Mollie mentally slapped it down. This sex was too good to give up. She was going to let Roo mate with her at least once a day. She’d been starved for cock, given her indifferent husband, and now she’d found what felt like the king of all cocks. She didn’t care if the world might think this was perverted – she just wanted more!

Mollie got so caught up in this amazing dog sex that she quite lost track of the days.

Meanwhile, Misty’s rushed flight to Phoenix was the least stressful part of her visit. Alice met her at the airport. Alice’s limo drove them to Alice’s sumptuous home. Business wasn’t discussed until Misty was seated in Alice’s sound-proofed ‘War room’ – which was also swept for surveillance equipment on a daily basis. She was shown documents, covert video, witness statements and evidence, as well as her own files that she’d created and supplied to Alice – proof that her immediate superior was defrauding the company. With this mass of evidence spread out in front of her, she recalled her superior’s previous nervousness. Remaining silent, she waited for Alice’s instructions.

Alice told her, “You have up to a week to go through all this, Misty. But I prefer to have your main forensic accounting analyses in three days. You’ll take over his position on your return. It’s a little sooner than I’d planned, but your original reports to me concerning this individual are correct! When we started to collate this, it became obvious that the extent of these activities went way beyond what we originally sent you there to discover. I want it stamped out immediately!”

She crossed her arms, perhaps attempting to contain her growing anger. “I’ve made arrangements for Shey to fly back with you. She’ll temporarily take over your present position, and you’ll find her computer skills will be invaluable in this process. You can put her up for a few days, I’m sure. I doubt you’ll mind her and her mutt as roomies until she can move into the apartment below yours. I’ve bought out the existing owner, but the fool needs two weeks to move out.”

Misty began her in depth study of the piles of documents in front of her, utilizing a computer with high speed encrypted internet whenever necessary. Three days later, accompanied by skipped or hasty, skimpy meals and probably gallons of coffee – with whatever naps she could grab in the ‘War room’ on its lumpy couch, she handed her report and analysis to a shocked Alice. “So, he’s been creating false companies, and his false companies then make contracts with each other. These contracts are financed with short or long term ‘balloon’ payment loans, which he rolls by creating new contracts. I’ve traced the route he uses to wire funds, and it’s to four numbered accounts based in George Town, in the Cayman Islands. Give me the word, and I can reverse $41,345,543.67 back, leaving about 1.4M unaccounted for.”

Alice nodded. Misty’s forefinger gently tapped the ‘ENTER’ key. The numbers on the screen seemed to roll back into zero’s. Misty’s next keystrokes, confirmed that the Bank’s central loans account had been adjusted to show a $41.3M transfer.

“Good girl! Excellent work! Now get some rest,” Alice advised her. “Shey and her constant companion will be here in the morning, you can bring her up to speed on the flight back. Oh I forgot to mention we’re returning to Amarillo in the corporate jet. Great job! You didn’t even need a whole week! I knew from the very first time I met you, that you had it in you. Tomorrow you’ll fire the man, and the FBI and I will be waiting outside his office. Now, I have an incredibly horny Brandi waiting naked in my hot tub. I suggest you get some sleep, you’ll need it.”

The Cessna Citation X was far more luxurious than her rushed Business class flight to Phoenix four days earlier. Alice’s jet had no hostess, but Shey was happy to serve drinks and snacks in between sitting across from Misty, listening to her, and taking notes. Nanook in his crate took to flying as if it was an everyday occurrence to be flown around in a private jet.

The sleek jet was taxied into a private hanger. Deplaning, Alice, Misty, Shey and Nanook were swept away in a limo to the bank. Just before noon, the FBI led Misty’s ex-superior through the garage entrance and drove him away in a convoy of black Suburbans. The rest of the day was spent observing Alice’s steel control and canny business sense as she stamped out any opposition, while she introduced Shey to various department heads and confirmed Misty’s new status. Before they left, Misty signed for the delivery of her special ‘present’ for Mollie, after checking that this lovely male Weimaraner, named Clawed (pronounced Claud) was in perfect health. Secretly, Misty had the ultimate goal of breaking Mollie in gradually to the idea of dog sex. But, if she wasn’t inclined that way, Misty knew that Clawed would still be a wonderful companion for her. Satisfied, the three women and two dogs departed from the office.

The limo pulled up inside the secure underground parking structure for Misty’s apartment block. Misty used her keycard to open the special elevator dedicated to servicing her apartment. It’s a good thing the elevator was spacious. The chauffeur managed to bundle Shey’s luggage and Misty’s new suitcase, plus the two dogs in their carriers, into the elevator before leaving to deliver Alice’s luggage to her hotel. Misty, Alice and Shey managed to fit into the lift which sped up to Misty’s floor. She was thrilled to be home. Not only was she in urgent need of a shower, but she hated being away from Roo. They shared a bond far closer than dog and owner. Shey was thoroughly impressed by the building and her surroundings. Misty had definitely moved up in the world since they’d met over two years ago. She smiled, remembering how Misty had become a member of Privilege. “Well… perhaps it’d been my and Rebecca’s fault,” she thought. “But she’s definitely benefited from meeting us.”

The elevator door slid open almost silently with a discrete ‘ping’ sound. Misty locked the elevator door into an open position, knowing that they’d have to make a few trips to move the luggage and Nanook and Clawed in their carriers. She stepped forward into her sitting room. The air within the apartment had a definite musty scent. As she stepped forward, Alice and Shey followed. Suddenly, Misty blocked their way. Before them, a woman was on her hands and knees. Misty’s dog, Roo, was coupled to her, his tail wagging in a desultory fashion. His penis knot was wedged inside the woman, and he’d reversed himself, so they were in an almost ass to ass position.

Misty was so startled by the scene that her eyes bulged slightly. She cried out, “Oh my god! No, Roooo!!!!! What have you done?” Bending down, she caressed Mollie, crooning solicitously, “Darling, are you OK?”

Mollie’s eyes were completely out of focus, but, with a shock, she recognized Misty’s voice, and she was absolutely horrified to be caught in this pose of depravity! A moment ago, she’d been in the throes of ecstasy, feeling Roo’s pulsating cock once again filling her, making her womb awash with his hot semen, her body wracked with another amazing climax. And now she was plunged into the depths of despair, having been discovered using her lover’s dog in this obscene manner.

Desperately, she began trying to figure out how to apologize… to beg for forgiveness… but she couldn’t utter words from her now dry, constricted throat. She started crying, blurring her vision, so she blinked hard to clear her eyes. Then she almost wished that she hadn’t! Her humiliation intensified as she looked beyond Misty and saw 2 pairs of female legs. “Oh lord! It’s bad enough for Misty to see me like this… but strangers too!?” her mind wailed. If there’d been a rug on the floor, Mollie would have crawled under it, hoping to vanish from everyone’s sight.

Just then Roo shifted, trying to twist around to kiss Misty, his tail flailing across Mollie’s ass a mile a minute with his joy! Unfortunately, he was still knotted to his newest bitch, and his movement made them both yelp in pain. Misty quickly moved to Roo, to hold him in place, precluding any more sudden lunges.

Mollie finally found her voice. Her jaw quivering, she began, “Misty, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say… the sex was so… so… fantastic… I… I…”

Misty reached out to touch Mollie’s cheek. “Hush a moment, darling, and listen to me. Ultimately, I wanted to sound you out about the concept of sex with a dog, to see if you found the idea disgusting. But I see that such a talk isn’t necessary. You took the leap on your own.” Alice had stepped forward to hold Roo’s collar, giving Misty the freedom to shift back to Mollie’s head. Gently taking her lover by the chin, she kissed her tenderly and thoroughly, tasting her tears.

When the kiss ended, Misty continued, “I’m so proud of you. I hope you like sex with the dog I bought for you as much as you do with Roo, and I’m happy to share him with you, anyway.” She kissed her lover again, and then laughed softly. “Thank you for taking such good care of my dog, darling.” Mollie could hardly believe what she was hearing. Not only was Misty not angry with her, she was actually pleased. Her heart swelled to overflowing with love for this amazing woman!

Then, realizing introductions were in order, Misty introduced Alice and Shey to Mollie. When Mollie looked up at Alice, the rather imperious woman put on the scary face that Misty had originally found so intimidating, and intoned with mock severity, “Don’t get up on my account.” But after that she winked, and grinned.

Shey said, “Very pleased to meet a fellow bitch, Mollie. And you’ll have to meet my dog, Nanook.”

Mollie’s eyes widened. “A fellow bitch? You mean you…”

Shey nodded. “That’s right. All three of us are bitches for our special canine lovers. We belong to an exclusive organization called ‘Privilege’ whose members all indulge.”

Alice was, as usual, quick on the uptake. Clearing her throat, she said to Misty and Shey, “Since you two are going to be living in this area now, I think it’s time you organized an Amarillo chapter of our club, don’t you?”

Shey and Misty looked at each other, broke into grins, and nodded. Misty stood up and spoke on their behalf. “That’s a fantastic idea, Alice. And, might I suggest, we have a potential new member of the club right here, on her hands and knees.” She looked down at Mollie.

Alice rubbed her chin. “Hmmm. Well, she’s certainly enthusiastic, and seems to have the proper qualifications. But, to be initiated, she’d have to be fucked by three dogs, witnessed by the members. What a quandary.” She sighed, dramatically, and shrugged her shoulders as if uncertain as to how to proceed. But then she looked back at the carrier cages in the elevator and said, “Well, what do you know! Mollie’s already fucking Roo. And it just so happens we have two other dogs available for her!”

All three women giggled merrily. Misty knelt back down and looked into Mollie’s eyes as she stroked her hair. “What do you think, darling? Want to get fucked by two more dogs, and become a member of our prestigious sisterhood?”

Mollie’s eyes dilated, either because of what Misty had just said, or because Roo finally managed to pull his cock free from her pussy. The air in the room got heavily perfumed with the scent of dog semen, which all four women inhaled with deep appreciation. “More… dog… sex?” Mollie asked, as her pussy tingled with anticipation. The fact that warm dog cum was now drooling over her swollen clit may have added to the tingling sensation. “Yes… yes, please,” she whispered, shivering in an orgasmic aftershock.

“I think she should experience Clawed next, to help her be more relaxed. Taking on Nanook is a challenge, as I recall,” Misty stated.

Alice did the honors of retrieving Clawed from his carrier. The gorgeous Weimaraner pranced into the room, gave it a quick once over, and zeroed in on the obviously receptive bitch on her hands and knees. Misty had chosen wisely. Clawed had needed a new home, when his owner, another member of Privilege, had unexpectedly died. He was known to the group as being a perfect gentleman, and a great lover. He proved that by moving behind Mollie and starting to lick her sex with a facile tongue. Almost envious, the three observers watched his tongue bathe her intimate region from her clit to her ass hole, over and over again. Finally, Mollie shook as his tongue took her over her peak, articulating some gibberish that probably meant ‘oh fuck – I’m cumming’ or suchlike.

Clawed then mounted her, and effortlessly slotted his cock home. His humping, while perhaps not as frantic as Roo’s had been, was nonetheless fully satisfying, probing Mollie deeply. After several minutes of thrusting, his semi-inflated knot pushed through her vaginal ring. He humped several more times as his knot continued to swell, until it felt to Mollie like someone had inserted a melon into her cunt! As Clawed stopped humping and embraced her, stretching his warm body out along her back, the onlookers clearly saw her vaginal ring close around the base of his knot, contributing to the seal.

Mollie moaned, “Aaaahhhhhhh! It’s so wonderful!” as she felt his seed pouring into her for the first time. She felt the warmth of his muzzle near the side of her face, so she turned her head to face him, and he licked her cheeks and lips as he panted and squirted more of his cum into her depths. She gasped, and as her mouth opened, his tongue entered to touch hers. She was in such raptures that she stuck out her own tongue to lap at his. Their knotting and loving continued for over fifteen minutes. Mollie had found her true companion, and drifted mentally, unmindful of being watched by the three women at this point – too caught up in the lovely sensations.

When Clawed finally dismounted, giving her several more licks on her nether region, Alice petted him and praised him as she returned him to his carrier temporarily. Whether Mollie remembered there was a third dog wasn’t clear. But Shey fetched her large, magnificent Husky, Nanook, and led him behind Mollie. The quivering woman still had her ass up in the air, although her eyes were closed, and her head was turned so she could pillow her cheek on her hands. Each of her deep inhalations pressed her tits firmly against the floor beneath her.

Nanook wasted no time with foreplay. He reared up and shoved his cock into Mollie’s sloppy cunt tunnel, slimy with the prior two dog’s semen loads. The first plunge of his cock inside her dislodged great gobs of dog cum outward. These splatted audibly down onto the floor, splashing her knees. But that sound was nothing compared to Mollie’s outcry! “Oh my fucking god! What is that?” She was reacting to Nanook’s heavy, hard pummeling of her cunt. He was fucking her with wild animalistic abandon! Mollie had thought that her body was fully sated by Clawed’s lovemaking.

She was wrong.

Nanook forced two quick orgasms from that body of hers just from his intense humping as he pinned her beneath him. Then, knotting her, he took her into a state of almost continuous convulsions as his knot pulsed with each spurt of his canine seed against her cervix. Her womb was already filled from the prior two dogs, so this fresh stream of cum was pressing the mixed seminal fluids up along her Fallopian tubes! She could swear she felt the hot ribbons threading their way toward her ovaries! Her lower belly felt so bloated that she dimly wondered if it would soon touch the floor. If she’d been speaking gibberish when Clawed had fucked her, she was now babbling incoherently, when she managed to suck in enough air to make any sounds at all.

The overpowering sensations actually caused Mollie to slip into unconsciousness, so she had no idea how long Nanook stayed coupled with her. When she came to, he’d already pulled his knot free, and was licking his genitals. Mollie wasn’t aware of that. She wasn’t even aware that, as she was helped into a sitting position on the floor, she was sitting in a huge pool of dog cum, and her gaping cunt was adding to that pool. What she was aware of was the three now naked women sitting close to her, embracing her, pressing their warm bodies to hers. She felt arms, tits, and hips touching her flesh. Each woman touched her cheek, gently turning her face to administer a tender, ritualistic kiss of acceptance.

“Welcome to Privilege, Amarillo Chapter,” Alice told her.

Misty then gave Mollie a deeper kiss, pouring her love into it, as Shey and Alice applauded their approval.

roxan brownReport 

2023-11-26 02:16:56
How did i miss these stories i love that you describe the way a dogs seed is forced through your cervix and into your womb
That feeling indescribable to one who hasn't felt it


2018-12-14 23:43:07
Such a beautiful way to be pulled into a world of deliciously wild passion and adrenaline-fueled lovemaking, An absolute PRIVILEGE to read your work.

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