Comments from Jax_Teller

Date Story title Comment
2016-01-10 15:48:07 Senior Moments Ch3 I submitted 4 & 5 two days ago and they will be approved and posted in order they were received by the website in the list of stories that have been submitted by everyone. It takes them a few days to get to them. I am sure the volume submitted has to do with the time it takes to get approved.
Been thinking about where to go after Ch 5. I may do a David exclusive story away from the main story line.
2016-01-12 03:40:06 The Un-Taxi Driver Sorry about not catching that. I have severe Dyslexia and sometimes it works out that even when letters are transposed the resulting word is still a valid word to the spell checker. Thank you for catching that.
2016-01-12 06:10:19 The Un-Taxi Driver Sorry about not catching that. I have severe Dyslexia and sometimes it works out that even when letters are transposed the resulting word is still a valid word to the spell checker. Thank you for catching that.
2016-01-19 22:30:53 One Dark Wintry Night 2 - Port of Call What does phim xex mean ? Google doesn't have a clue either.
2016-01-17 23:41:49 Senior Moments Ch.5 Davids' participation with his mother is the reason for the Incest tag.

I don't usually don't write Incest stories so IF it is some how off (?) I would appreciate letting me know.