Comments from Jax_Teller

Date Story title Comment
2016-04-17 03:08:47 The Chiefs' Daughter Ch.3 Anonymous reader : You should note that this story was listed under fantasy NOT Fiction.

BTW if you google 18" penis you will get the story of a real life person. I tried to mimic him in my story

There are freaks in this world, anomalies that make up the AVERAGE size. No one has a problem with believing a 2" dick but let it be the other end of the scale and it's not worth reading. Thank you for commenting Anonymous.
2016-04-15 19:17:34 The Chiefs' Daughter Ch.3 Working On the next chapter right now. should be done in a couple days.
2016-04-07 22:29:03 The Chiefs Daughter The Chiefs' Daughter Ch 2 posted 2016-03-22 23:05:24

Working on Part 3 hopefully Ch 2 will be available soon.

Thankyou for reading ! Please comment
2016-04-26 23:32:49 The Chiefs Daughter Parts 2 & 3 now available, working on part 4.Thank you for the comments
2016-05-08 15:25:33 Just Another Mapping Mission Anonymous could you point me to the Star trek inferences? I was specifically trying NOT to be another start trek.

As to the submissive nature of security officers: I have been in the military and other positions in which lives were in my hands and i have known more than a few who were sexually submissive and the fiercest combatants in the field. I write from experiences I have had and i have seen the chain of command viewed as a dominant submissive relationship. that said I amvery Dominant but have been on an op that the Male I was working with was Dominant to me, and in that situation I was submissive to him.

Unfortunately for the charactor and story, in the original format it got too long going deeper into her background and that part should have been moved forward to the first part,

This was a test for me, and not having an editor some of my stories are putout to gauge the reader interest.

That said I will re-write and I will delete this version. THANK YOU!