Comments from elfinlied

Date Story title Comment
2016-02-20 02:56:47 KB and Me_(0) OMG!! This story broke my heart I cried for almost an hour my husband couldn't figure out why until he read it he is not one to cry easily but but got tears in his eyes I'm so sorry for your loss
2016-02-20 17:58:59 Sorority Sponsors - Part Five Awesome series please right (MORE!!!)
2016-02-22 06:27:27 A Moment In Time Really needs a part2
2016-02-22 14:37:57 BBQ invite - unexpected outcome._(2) Liked the but the was really funny i could picture his face LOL
2016-02-24 07:39:49 A Dish Best Seved Cold or Bryan's Revenge 2 Pls more I want to know what to know what happens next really great story