Comments from auguy86

Date Story title Comment
2016-12-21 00:54:03 Gray Jedi Ch. 2 Oh yes, there will be. I'm hoping to have ideas for many, many chapters for this series. Nearly finished with chapter 3 as we speak.
2016-12-08 15:04:37 An Angel of Mercy Thanks again for all the support and commentary! I just had the first chapter of my next story posted this morning. Surprise surprise, it's another piece of Star Wars fan fiction, which I do so enjoy. Please check it out if you get the chance! I plan for it to be a longer running series.
2016-12-03 14:34:18 An Angel of Mercy Wow... just wow. Thank you all for your support. Few things make me as happy as I am seeing how many people enjoyed this work. To the first poster, I can feel your pain from every word you type. I fully realize that I was tackling some tough emotional issues with no easy answers, what with suicide and terminal cancer being at the forefront of this story. I am very sorry for your loss, and I hope the story spoke to you nonetheless.

To answer a recurring question, I am submitting the story on L*terotica in their Winter Holidays Contest. If anyone has an account there, or wishes to create a free one, I would be very honored for y'all to go on to that site and give this story a 5 star rating for the contest. I also was going to submit the story to the Christmas contest on S*oriesOnline, but was denied eligibility from having already posted the story on other sites. They have an inflexible exclusivity clause for their contest entry, which I do not appreciate, but what can ya do?
2016-11-01 22:40:33 Of Scavengers and Smugglers Ch. 3 Glad to know you guys enjoyed the ride! For now, this is the end of Jakson and Rey's tale, but who knows? Maybe I'll get some more inspiration after Rogue One comes out. Depending on how the new trilogy ends, I definitely want to revisit Rey after her canon story is complete. Too bad that's 3+ years away...
2016-06-29 00:24:11 A Bridge Between Worlds Ch. 01 Ch. 2 is submitted to the mods. Sadly, it may be some time before it's approved; this one took three weeks...