Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2019-07-11 02:46:17 MYSTERY PLANET (Edited) Damn, where is Mature Gina when I need her???? hehehehehehe
2019-07-15 01:08:48 JIM: Manipulative Manager I see by the current low rating of this story that perhaps some misunderstand my thinking on bringing out this and other sketchy stories. It should be noted that because I write about certain modes of sexual actions, does not mean that I condone them. Just like writers that tell stories about murders and rapists, who would never do such things themselves. I just like to look into the hearts and minds of people who get entangled sexually and try to understand the motives of such actions and their results. It should also be noted, that despite that I write a lot of stories about old men and young teens, I have never been with a sub-legal gal since I was sub-legal myself and then only very lightly. Nor have I ever been in any kind of incest relationship. I was a virgin until the age of twenty-one. Perhaps this notation will quell the backlash against this and others of my stories.
2019-11-25 01:09:56 THE REIGN OF LORD MORPHIUS Well, I have spent the last six months finalizing the formation of my seventeen books of my novels, ans short stories. It includes about 85% of everything that I have written. I didn't think that I would write anything original again. Sort of burnt out. But, this story sort of grew on me, so I experimented with a style that is new to me,. I have done this before here and usually to underwhelming ratings. I guess that I will leave it up for a week or so, so that my regular readers can find it. I will then take it down as it seems to not have a positive welcoming on this site. Teach me to try something new, huh!