Comments from superwriter1337

Date Story title Comment
2019-06-18 20:46:17 Sibling Bonding Over Spring Break - Ch. 4 - "Hannah Comes Home" @millwright#2 I actually agree with you completely.

@fossman73 I'm glad to hear you're liking it! I've written more of the next installment, but I am trying to finish a more substantial portion before I release it.
2019-06-18 20:48:11 Sibling Bonding Over Spring Break - Ch. 3 - "The Shower is Third Base"_(0) @cfudge: Yeah, I agree that the dialog was a bit rough. Thanks for the feedback!

@sharkbytenow & @SgtSoda: I'm glad you are enjoying them!

@wolfystyle: That's the part I've been most excited to write! The next part will be released in near future -- I am trying to make it more substantial relative to the previous chapters (i.e. longer).
2019-06-20 17:46:12 My Girlfriend and I Have Sex in Front of Her Sister_(2) @Fraze I always appreciate the feedback (good and bad) so thank you! I'm glad you're liking it so much :')
2019-06-24 18:34:56 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapters 7 - 8 @nick60 I'm glad you're liking it -- that's the goal!

The next chapters are taking longer to write than expected, but I am in the process of writing them. I can't make any promises, but at the very least know that I am working on them actively and they should be out within the near future.
2019-06-29 22:09:50 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapters 7 - 8 alandee Thanks a ton! :)

I write stories the way I like them to be, so I am glad to see other people are enjoying them too. I really appreciate the kind words!

I am putting the finishing touches on the next iteration of this story as well as putting the last touches on the first part of a new story. At least one of those should be up this weekend.