Comments from superwriter1337

Date Story title Comment
2019-12-30 23:29:33 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapter 10 @Everyone

I'm very flattered by the interest in the series! I have 100% not quit; I'm just super busy and haven't been able to finish up the next section. Will hopefully have it soon -- thank you for your patience and support. :-)
2020-01-10 19:57:38 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapter 11_(1) @Curare

Glad you liked it. :-) I'm not exactly trying to avoid being cheesy; just writing whatever I enjoy personally so. If you like it too, then that's great!
2020-03-25 20:05:49 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapter 11_(1) @Curare @Fraze @WhoeverElse

Hey guys! I'm sorry for disappearing for so long. I've been extremely busy with work and other real-life stuff, so I haven't had much of a chance to work on this since then.

It is definitely not dead/abandoned/forgotten; it's just been on pause for a little while. I hope to return to it sooner rather than later, but I can safely say that it is not dead or anything.
2020-03-25 20:06:31 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapter 11_(1) (Continued...)

I really appreciate the support/interest. It means a lot that y'all kept coming back to check on the status of the story. :-) I will post updates as I have them; thank you for your patience and continued interest.
2020-03-25 20:11:25 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapter 11_(1) (Last one)

Also, for any of you familiar with Reddit -- I have a reddit (u/superwriter1337). You can definitely shoot me a PM there and I am more likely to see it since it has actual notifications, whereas I don't see comments here until I actually come look.