Comments from Sean-007

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-05 11:48:01 Staying close to my sister (and mom) part 2 Hot story, can't wait for part 3
2016-08-05 13:10:13 Ruby's New Life Part 6 Hot job on the story, I'm looking forward to part 7. I do recommend having Kyle reconsider is position on not having children though
2016-12-11 08:54:06 Charlie 2 Good work so far, hope for more soon
2016-05-30 06:16:56 Kathy Becomes a Human Breeding Slave P.2 Good, but you need to space the paragraphs. Hope for more
2016-11-28 09:18:55 Incestuous Harem 7: Bratty Sis Gets Soaked Any of these girls going to get pregnant?