Comments from ThomL

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-06 13:01:17 My Wife's Friend-Part 3 I liked the story, but I thought it was all a build up to at least one more chapter which would include his wife and Vannessa being discovered as lovers as well as a continuation of the present scenario. If not all of that at least a closing few paragraphs to wrap up what eventually happened. Needed closure of some sort. But I liked what I read, thanks.
2017-01-06 21:17:27 HOMELESS--Part 1 This is a favorite of mine and a reread for me. My favorite author. Thank you for posting.
2017-01-05 21:49:43 JUST AN OLD-FASHIONED GIRL--Part 1 of 6 I read all the time and I've never picked up chapter 1 of a story posted "8 hours ago". I was hunting for chapter 2 till I realized I'd have to wait for it. Great story, looking forward to reading the rest. I've read a lot of your other stories. I've developed into a big fan of your writings. Thanks for your obvious hard work.
2017-01-27 19:53:06 Moved into a new life part 1 Really good read. Please keep it coming. Without a doubt will be among my favorite rereads.
2017-02-23 13:51:56 Internet Sex Match Very nice. Ended perfectly. The only loose end I saw was Gabby seeing other men. It wasn't mentioned again after she told Bill she was doing it. It had me wondering if that scenario was going to ruin their relationship. I hoped not. I understand that all stories don't need to have all the ends tied up in a pretty bow. Thanks for the story. I hope you write more. I am a big fan of tfoxal and will be of you if you continue. You should have Tfoxal get your username out somehow so your fans can favorite you. Again, Thanks