Comments from sodapopsweet

Date Story title Comment
2020-07-21 17:09:03 Counseling at Camp Care pt. 2 Really enjoying the creative scenarios you’re dreaming up for your girls. The girls running around and giggling in nothing but painted aprons sounds sexy as hell. I’m glad you’re pacing out the story, but I really can’t wait for the action to heat up, hehe!
2020-07-27 05:19:25 Counseling at Camp Care pt 4 I looove this story. It’s so cute and the girls are al so funny. It’s very teasing and tempting to continue reading. I agree with Hannah, though, the erotic parts need more detail, but so do the girls’ bodies. I know they’ve been described before, but it wouldn’t hurt to recap why Aly and Shianne are obsessed with their campers’ little bodies. Really wish Aly and Shi got to cum this chapter, they got so close! So I hope it happens soon. Also, some of the older boy counselors from the other camp need to make an appearance. I know this is a lot to ask, hehe!
2020-07-27 06:15:57 Counseling at Camp Care pt 4 BTW, I’m a writer, too! Hit me up in the forum and I can show you a few places where you can add just a few more details to really punch up the eroticism and sexiness of this series.
2020-08-16 01:50:28 Family trip to Jamaica Part 2 Ah, such a sexy story building here. The tension between being naked and not naked is delicious.
2020-08-17 23:39:42 Movie Night 8 Omg so sad this series has come to an end. Just when it was starting to really heat up, hehe, but I know you have to make room for new plots, new characters, and new tales to tell. Can’t wait to see what your kinky little brain is going to dream up next.