Comments from Hew 180

Date Story title Comment
2017-04-26 18:51:59 State of Affair 6 All of my stories are primarily Romances, so I've set boundaries, that I have perceived to be within the realm of romance.

I had an awful time ending State of Affair chapter 5, because the story tried to take off on a tangent into Black Ops.
I have two characters that are full-time Black Ops, another character that transports operatives once in a while, and last but not least; an Operative that is going through long term recuperation from injuries.

Chapter 6 is the real end of chapter 5; an end of a day, which started in chapter 5.
The affair is over as a result of Paul and Mitzi's marriage.

Now the State of Affair is a trade-mark for the rest of this story.
I've written almost 900 words for State of Affair 7 so far.
The story is character-driven, so I had to bring in different characters to make sure the story goes in the direction I would like it to go.

Thanks for your patience, and thanks for reading. ~ Hew 180
2017-04-24 20:25:21 DRIVING MISS DAISY--Part 2 of 5 Fascinating story. I'll be watching for updates.
I'm a fan of a couple of your series. In fact. You inspired me to use a "smart dog" character in the first chapter of my "State of Affair" series.
2017-04-12 11:07:42 State of Affair 1 This chapter was pulled offline three or four days. That's why the number of readers is less than the second chapter's stats.

I'm accepting all votes, but accepting comments from registered users only.
I like to have at least somewhat of an idea whom to thank for their comments, and suggestions. Thanks ~ Hew 180
2017-04-09 02:30:17 State of Affair 2 04/0817 An apology: I did an itsy bitsy edit on "State of Affair 1" and 'saved' it.
Now Admin has it back in edit-mode. Hopefully Admin will put it back online soon.
I have submitted "State of Affair 3", and have "4" ready to 'submit'.
Chapter 5 is almost done, but it took off in a direction I didn't want to go. I'm sure other writers understand this.
In reference to Uncle Bill's fear of Janice; her personality scares me too. She has a way of shocking people with her statements. I have actually had to rephrase some of the things she says.
I thank the Administrators for their patience. I imagine their job is difficult sometimes.
Thanks again ~ HK