Comments from happyhornydog

Date Story title Comment
2021-06-25 21:05:17 A Father's Bargain Thanks for the great story, and for the warning it is a long one. Definitely a good turn I’m hard as!
2021-06-25 15:53:10 Watching Porn together. Thank you great story. I fully accept your assertion this is a true story. I was in an almost identical situation not so long ago, when i accepted an invite to visit a guy to play and wank each other.
Exactly as you described I was surprised by the speed with which he undressed and proceeded to wank and suck me. I had the same feelings of confusion, sexual arousal and acceptance you describe. Keep up the good work, I will look out for more of your stories.
2021-06-30 02:20:36 Lily's mastiff Great read your style flows easily. I enjoy these shorter stories quick to read without too much excessive verbiage. Will look at some of your other stories now. Please keep up the writing.
2021-08-30 16:57:56 Unanticipated remote working difficulty You write a good story, however errors in your grammar are unfortunately very distracting. In particular you leave out the indefinite article “a” almost any where it should be used. Please take this comment as constructive, your writing could be so much better and more enjoyable if you had an experienced editor check your work before you publish it. Hope you can take this comment on board and get some help. Thanks for your stories, I will try reading another one now. Best wishes
2021-09-07 22:25:09 Experiments with JoJo Wow what a sexciting story. I have often wondered about our primate cousins mating with humans. The professors formula sounds perfect, just a touch and recipient is totally fucking horny. Let me know when it is available to the public. Better still maybe it could be released widely in a mass experiment in one of these future episodes. Loved your story I’m still playing with myself!!!