Comments from White Walls

Date Story title Comment
2019-09-18 16:40:03 Queen Yavara: Chapter 3 @StrangeUrges Elena's sexuality was explicitly stated almost immediately in the original manu***********, and by Leveria almost exactly as it is here: Here's the original quote: "...this little dyke’s been by her side since they were children.” Leveria sneered to her father..."
So I'm not sure how that's subtle. As for your other criticism, I agree that Leveria comes off a bit too bitchy-older-sister here, but keep in mind that this is from Elena's perspective, and throughout the story Leveria's irrational hatred for her little sister often supersedes her judgement. In chapter nine of this story, she even goes on to say how she regretted making a fool of herself in front of her father in this scene, and sets out to find Yavara herself to prove that she isn't so petty.

But I do appreciate your criticisms even if I don't agree with them.
2020-02-18 01:55:41 The Good, The Bad and the Molly - Chapter Fifteen + Epilogue Congrats on finishing your story, Bash. You're an exceptional author with a unique voice on this site.
2020-05-22 21:38:07 Queen Yavara: Chapter 54. Book Five will be published on smashwords tonight. Thanks for reading!
2020-08-01 01:51:41 What a Difference a Summer Makes- Part 4C Keep on writing, throatHER. You're one of the best.