Comments from White Walls

Date Story title Comment
2018-10-02 05:18:07 The Online Erotica Writer's Guide to Etiquette Good essay, Bashful. This site can be pretty cutthroat, and I've certainly fallen into the trap of responding poorly to negative comments. I've long since stopped caring about my story ratings though, because that's just an exercise in futility. The quality of your writing generally doesn't correlate to the popularity and reception of it. Every decent author on this site knows the formula to write a popular, soulless story: incest, reluctance, lost innocence and a sprinkle of domination. Or just write bestiality and always hit 93%.

I actually think the best way to enjoy this site as an author, is to mostly ignore it. That might sound counter-intuitive, but if you're obsessing over your ratings and view count, you're not really enjoying yourself. Write what you love to write, and like-minded people will become your fans. It's much more rewarding to have avid readers following an ongoing series than it is to try to constantly push "pop music" erotica onto the "last 30 days" page.
2018-10-12 17:09:05 The Creators: Book Two, Chapter 5 SPOILER ALERT IN THE COMMENT BELOW.
Thanks for the kind words, post. It feels like it's going to be one chapter a month from here on out, but I'll try to be more proactive posting updates on my xnxx page. I write mostly for myself, but getting feedback like yours is definitely great motivation to keep going when I get complacent, so thank you very much.
2018-10-28 06:35:13 The Creators: Book Two, Chapter 5 @StrangeUrges
Everything important that happens to a main character will happen from their perspective. There are no "off-camera" deaths. Without spoiling anything, the next chapter starts 30 minutes before this chapter ends.
2018-12-03 08:23:12 The Chair_(4) This was written with such empathy that I wondered if you have first-hand, or at least personal experience with this woman's plight. The little details like the grabber and the bath really draw you into this woman's world. Bravo.
2018-12-06 06:53:51 No Man's Land_(1) I remember reading this last summer. It was called 'The Secrets of Liberty Mountain' then. It was one of the stories that inspired me to begin writing on this site. I'll have to reread it when I have time. Thanks for posting it, Nathan.