Comments from Bwincfl

Date Story title Comment
2017-10-28 12:34:00 Together with Angela Pt3 I forgot to mention in my last post how original the “clit hickey” was. I have never seen that before and you really sold it. Keep the stories coming.
2017-10-28 19:54:44 Godless Story needs an editor. Character development needs a lot of work. Confused on ages, relationships, who cheated whom, why the blood test at the end,etc. Story line has a lot of promise but needs to be developed. I did enjoy it but could have enjoyed it more.
2017-10-29 11:35:13 Lovers Without Realizing It Your story while long is not a sex story but a love story. Very well done.
2017-10-29 13:04:47 ANDREA_(0) WOW, what a sweet sensual love story. Why is it that a lesbian love story can reach such depths of emotion and be so beautiful while a homosexual love story is always rough,raw, without emotion. Just suck the cock and fuck the ass. Stories like this make me wish I was born a woman so that Icould experience what they have.
2017-12-02 22:08:37 One Who Understands This is not a sex story. It is a fucking BOOK. Way too long and cannot be read at one setting. I had to stop after chapter 17 and then jump to the end; i.e. chapter 42. And finally Ed and Grace get it on. I will not read the other two stories in this trilogy since I do not have enough years to live to finish. I had to give a negative rating because of it’s length.