Comments from TwatSwat123

Date Story title Comment
2018-03-06 23:32:36 It is all in the mind - part 2_(0) Short and sweet. Loved it.
2018-03-12 01:42:08 Slumber Games Negative for downvoting other authors. Have some fuckking class.
2018-03-12 01:46:29 Georgia Part 12 I am loving everything about this series please continue. And fuck eroticfishcake for giving you a negative. u know he just wanted his sotry higher than yours.
2018-03-18 19:56:11 The Secrets of Liberty Mountain - Chapters 1 -32 *UPDATED* Any update news? We're all eagerly awaiting the next chapter. It's been over a month since you've written one!
2018-03-18 23:50:16 The Creators: Book One This is such a great story I've fallen in love with almost of all of the characters. I can't wait for the creators to finally meet each other! You've been holding out on the union for five chapters so I really hope they meet up in chapter six! I think Julia is probably my favorite character, but Brandon is a close second! Please continue this story and finish it.