Comments from teqmc2

Date Story title Comment
2021-03-04 14:34:54 The Medieval Marine Part Five One other point: It is a common trope in fantasy writing to give the women, or small weak men, a bow to fight with. This is completely wrong, the proper weapon for small weak people is a spear, or a crossbow. It actually takes *more* upper-body-strength to use a war bow than to use a sword. Historic war-bows had a draw-weight of between 110 and 140 lbs. Imagine the following: you take a 100lb barbell, place it on the floor, and then assume the position to do one-armed pushups over that barbell. Don't do the pushup, but lock your left arm straight. Then grab the barbell with you right hand and pull it to your chest. That is the effort of fighting with a proper war-bow.

However, it was a general assumption that noble-women, who were expected to become the wives of noblemen, would be able to participate usefully in the defense of their castle if it came under attack while their husband was away. With spear, crossbow, or just by giving orders.
2021-03-04 14:32:09 The Medieval Marine Part Five Great story! despite some major accuracy issues, but that isn't what this site is at all for, so no worries.

However, if you are curious, I'll drop some info.

This is what "English" would have sounded like in 1065:

And this is what Scottish would have sounded like about 200 years later:

And this is what modern English would read like, if the Norman Conquest had never happened: