Comments from snowleopard3200

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-09 15:23:53 THE MOON STONE, Part 2 Great story there; I am looking forward to the adventures continuing as it just gets more and more intriguing with each reading.
2012-10-02 19:45:07 The Yellow Sign. excellent story - blends so much into one effort; wonderfully done.
2012-11-04 09:50:11 Helena's Nightmare Great story - loved it from one end to the other.
2012-11-05 14:26:06 THE MOON STONE, part 3 (THREE) You asked for commentary: Overall the story is good and continues with the previous two parts. Personally some of the slang felt out of place with the story context as a whole and some descriptions could be more flushed out.

Other than this its a wonderful tale being told for all of us to read. I wish a direct link to the other two parts could have been put in, but I do understand the limits of the site.

A wonderful job Hardrive.
2012-12-27 07:43:10 Winters Dawning: Charity's Holiday to Remember To the one seeking underaged girls, may the police find you and swing you from the end of a rope tied around your most private of parts as they drag you down the street to the police station.

Creatures such as you should be destroyed.