Comments from GloriHoleLover

Date Story title Comment
2018-04-11 04:05:23 DAUGHTER AND THE DOGS A beautiful story! Long, lush, very juicy and Absolutely FANTASTIC!
2018-03-15 17:39:56 05 - The Chico Tales Another truly WONDERFUL story of dog-loving ladies! Sarah's delight in being taken by SEVEN hot-to-trot male canines is delicious!!! Please...PLEASE...dear, Julie.. give us MORE!!! Seven is not nearly enough!!!
2018-03-16 14:37:05 Dog Sitting Boner YES!!! Please do continue this wonderful story!!!
2018-03-18 16:26:53 My gay seduction. Very, VERY beautiful! Soooo deliciously intimate...soooo delightfully real! A wonderful story that soooo many of us can relate to...the "sunrise" of our so carefully hidden homosexual desires! I LOVED IT!!!
2018-03-21 17:54:20 The Stranger: Part 2 Ohhhh, Angel7777777...please...PLEASE...give us a Part 3! And, Parts 4 and 5 and 6...Just such delicious writing! Thanks for publishing this!!!
