Comments from DBuck

Date Story title Comment
2018-08-05 18:48:15 The Rocker Part 2_(3) Chapter three is posted' I am waiting for XNXX to publish..
2018-08-12 22:39:21 The Rocker Part 3_(2) I am getting a lot of negative votes and no feedback as to why, I will not post anymore stories.
2018-08-13 22:31:02 ROTHSCHILD - The Libertine and The Girl When are you going to finish Cory and Tilly!!!
2018-08-15 09:52:43 Potential Part 25 Great novel. I am not trying to rush you, but when is the next chapter coming out. I can't wait! TWO THUMBS UP. You are an amazing story teller.
2018-08-23 13:51:41 The secret life of Emily Very good story. Thanks for sharing. At you going to do a part two?