Comments from Doozy woof Hunter

Date Story title Comment
2020-01-22 17:42:22 Robert's Sexual Awakening Ch. 01 Long story - good enough to hold my interest tho. Lked it - 9/10
2020-01-23 16:45:11 Atomic Sex part 1. More please! Glad you are still writing
2020-01-24 18:41:35 Cuckolded. Big fan of your off-beat whacky stories! Good stuff
2020-01-24 21:23:56 The World of Erasthay - The Son of Lust Chapter 1: Two Sisters in Need of Their Brother's Seed You used "coochie" - such an infantile word! Nevertheless - 8/10 for a great story!
2020-01-30 16:12:38 Across Eternity: Book 1 - Chapter 1 Excellent first chapter!