Comments from Doozy woof Hunter

Date Story title Comment
2020-03-10 23:38:57 C6 - Serendipity Pass - Freshly Paved Streets / Final Edit Tell that mofo, Joe! I'm enjoying this tale...alberto DIS fatto can foad....
2020-03-11 00:26:38 C7 - Serendipity Pass - Paths of Sickle and Scythe - The End / Final Edit Just a wonderrful story - thanks!
2020-03-12 23:43:50 When the Need Strikes - Chapter 6 (Final) Fine story! Enjoyed it as it was well wriiten and VERY unusual. Thanks!
2020-03-14 21:59:39 Touch - Chapter 4 SPELL CHECK!!!! "She began her decent" WTF? DESCENT . jeez
2020-03-16 19:40:50 GIRL of the GLADES Wonderful story! Too bad they didn't work out....