Comments from PABLO DIABLO

Date Story title Comment
2018-10-13 21:22:13 The Chauffeur(#5).......Jill THANK YOU for the kind words. FYI there will be 'at least' one more chapter, more is the story isn't getting stale.
BTW I have two questions for all of you......1. the paragraph when Jill gets doped up in the ER....did that come across as funny? I rewrote that paragraph no less than 5 times, finally leaving it the way you see it now. and 2. Did you see the proposal coming before the end...I was trying to get the reader to think he was stopping to buy something for Tina only to surprise Jill.....what do you think?...........Paul.
2018-10-13 23:08:10 The Rocker Part 1_(6) Nice story! I agree with you on the comment thing, not registered, no comments.
2018-10-14 00:29:29 The Rocker Part 2_(3) Keep writing! The story is good. It's not as hard to follow as say.....'Chinese calculus'....ha ha
2018-10-14 01:46:19 The Rocker Part 3_(2) Keep writing! Your story is good. Who cares about the grammatical errors, I don't.
This will probably seem odd, but through all the stories so far two things keep roaming around in my brain....."Almost Famous" the movie....and "Jukebox Hero" the song by Foreigner.
2018-10-14 02:42:19 The Rocker Part 4_(3) Best one yet of the series. KEEP WRITING!! I see the difference from the first story to this one, you definitely are finding your rhythm. I hope that there is more writing coming, even if you start another series.