Comments from Lunalupo

Date Story title Comment
2009-09-29 23:25:00 Getting Addison Graduated Loved the story, you have the talent to become a great writer. But, you need to read your own stories to check for grammar and spelling. For example, "principle" refers to money while "principal" is a person. Microsoft grammar and spell checkers are not always correct. Keep writing and posting.
2009-10-04 04:10:33 Unbroken This is an awesomely great story, well written - brought the reader right into the action, loved it. And LARRY is definitely a creep.

2009-10-07 14:00:59 Young Becky Bump to read your stories later - so far they are great. Keep em cummmming please.
2009-10-07 20:39:33 Becky's Gangbang Continues I would love to read the first part of the story. Could you please post a link to it?


2009-10-07 20:40:12 Becky's Gangbang Continues BTW - I gave you a positive rating on this .....