Comments from Cypriano

Date Story title Comment
2019-12-13 23:41:26 Lori, My Wife's Best Friend First time to comment negatively. In the 2nd paragraph, you have Lori and Penny working together. But you have no explanation on how Penny could: 1). First take 2 weeks off and then. 2). take an extended leave while she takes care of her brother.

That said, I'm anxious to read any Penny coming back home. And does she still have a job?
2019-12-14 00:03:58 Carole's Story 01 - Growing Up Hard to believe a woman would wrie this. Sounds like a make fantasy/
2019-12-20 07:20:17 Shagun's horny son Reread your story aloud. A gave up after first chapter. Too many sentences that are akwardlly contracted. Your keyboard must not have a quotation mark key ("). Observe common punctuation standards
2019-12-20 07:25:37 Shagun's horny son You attempt to write a story covering many tags. Made plot thin. Why the odd the names?
2019-12-20 07:32:47 Taylor Part one You never capitalize "I" unless it regains a sentence.