Comments from relator242

Date Story title Comment
2019-10-29 05:40:42 Missionary Positions The missionary position with the bottom' legs on your shoulders gives the deepest penetration, spooning is a good alternative specially on a cold winter night
2019-10-30 02:17:11 My first bodyslide massage I would love one of those massages!

This story reminds me of a business trip to various Asian capital, on the late 80's.
On a Sunday one of our suppliers invited me to a tour of the city, when the tour was coming to an end, we parked in front of a barber shop, the first part was having a shave and s face massage
then the barber left and a little lady came in closing the door to the cubicle proceed to rise the seat, discovering a board joining the chair with the vanity hen removed my shoes and sock and proceed to massage my feet, all this activity was so relaxing that
I fell asleep after a while I came awake and found myself without pants and the little lady astride over my thighs massaging my legs keeping me half asleep, with a sensual feeling all over my body, to make it short, I had the most wonderful blow job I still wonder how such a little woman could make disappear my then 7 inches cock
2019-10-30 02:46:12 Sex with my step brother Good, well written story , it made me wish for a gay fuck again
2019-10-30 03:26:44 My first black cock! If you don't like gay stories, what are you doing here?
2019-10-31 05:36:47 The Paper Carrier’s Anal Bonus Reminds me, perhaps our third attempt to full anal, although my step brother's cock must have been then only about 4 too 5 inches, mine only 3 in.