Comments from NCfan

Date Story title Comment
2021-10-04 23:14:49 Just a Trim, Please Thank you for taking the time to comment. As long as the language and words are acceptable, then I'll continue writing longer stories. It's a choice of style. I prefer not to write quickies.
2021-10-21 03:04:48 A Stitch In Time - Chapter 7 - Susan Thanks to everyone who read the whole series.
2021-11-30 20:57:49 A Touch of Evil Thanks for reading, and the comment. It had so few views compared to my others I figured it wasn't that good, so I wasn't planning to do more. I do have other stories, with multiple chapters set in historical periods.
2021-12-05 14:24:20 New Beginnings - Part 1 - The Aftermath Can't say I've read any of thise so...

You'll be happy to know I'm sure that there are two more chapters.
2021-12-26 16:25:56 New Beginnings - Part 3 - New Eden Thank you very much.