Comments from Jaguar10

Date Story title Comment
2020-10-12 04:27:44 But Daddy Great story
2020-10-15 00:37:23 An Incest Birthday Chapter 22 While I am just coming into reading this series, I do like by the way. Must disagree with the earlier commenters. There has to be a villain in every good book and 8n this one there we have that she devil Ashley (what is it about mean girls name Ashley). They should have listened to their mom and Aunt when they told them to be on their guard around her. Knew she had not changed, truly hope you don't write the 4 incestateers as being so stupid that they don't plot a setup of their own regardless of the father's business dealing. The Ashley's need to go down!!!
2020-10-15 02:53:52 An Incest Birthday Chapter 23 Ok, I couldn't continue reading this as I am truly upset that you aren't writing the twins with a devious mind on how to get and keep the upper hand of those who mess with them. Twins are so much more smarter than how you are writing these two. I'm also upset that instead just Ruta arriving that Rita, Aunt Lisa and Stephanie didn't come with her with plan in place. You have also dumbed down Stephanie's character...urgggg...I am hoping that as I continue reading this series that they come out on top and that Asley and her flunkies get their just desserts. Where is my mamma Anna and her sex plotting ass, she would definitely teach this little bitch a lesson.
2020-10-15 02:56:34 An Incest Birthday Chapter 23 Dammmmmmnnnnnn you took this story to a whole different level!!!!!
2020-10-21 04:50:55 Owning a Dominant Bitch - Complete Loved this story, every bit of it. Read it on Wattpad and desperately had to find the conclusion, thank you internet and wicked determination.