Comments from Jaguar10

Date Story title Comment
2020-12-10 01:14:30 Cowboy's New Slave Would love to read more of Hanna and Cowboy's story and if she is still his sex slave. More please Master
2020-12-11 20:29:09 Sins of the Father: Chapter 3 OMG, this was fucking fantastic! Loved every moment of it. Truly hoping you are busy writing and editing more chapters, as I know this story can only get better. Like maybe a tryst with Alyssa's mom, don't let a little plumpness stop him from enjoying a volupotuous woman as well...hmmm
2020-12-13 05:19:43 RUNAWAY Chapter 19 "Toke and Relax" So while I will give this a positive rating, it was a very disturbing and sad story. Not sure if you have ended Holly/Sammi's journey to freedom. I do hope that some how she does either finding someone she truly can trust or finally calls Joseph and he rescues her and saves her life and asking her to tell him the whole story in order to keep her safe. That he who shall remain nameless receivrs a tortuous death!
2020-12-15 21:40:11 Daughter's Slut Training 8: Mommy's Incestuous Deal Would live a chapter speaking from the father and the brother's pov.
2020-12-20 18:28:28 Shopping with Daddy: Repercussions I love the series but one thing, it appears that the writer forgot that Katie's dad took her virginity and she has had three cocks slid into that tight young cunt. And when mom cones home does she find Katie's cellphone on the mantle of the fireplace and sees the pictures and video...hmmm the possibilities.