Comments from Beast1961ca

Date Story title Comment
2021-01-02 05:15:14 Broken Birds, Part 14, Harem Night Peter knew too much, because he lied too much. The more secrets you keep, the more people who will want those secrets.
2021-01-03 01:19:57 Broken Birds, Part 17, A New Beginning Beautiful! The way they all handled young Maria! I trust the experience will be healing for her psyche.
2021-01-03 04:34:10 Broken Birds, Part 22, Misha Deneb... your stories are more than just Erotica or Porn... they are healing.
Just thought you might like to know that.
2021-01-04 19:34:56 Broken Birds, Part 24, Dante's World Ah! Poor Ted! I thought he might be a good guy to have around. But he might have had some conflict with Michel as Alpha. Sad though, but I can understand his reaction.
2021-01-05 03:12:31 Broken Birds, Part 26 Latina Night ?!? Rafaela is leaving/dying too?!?