Comments from Beast1961ca

Date Story title Comment
2021-01-20 00:43:27 An incest birthday Nice opening! :)
2021-02-08 01:48:41 SWAPPING DAUGHTERS Well done!
2021-01-23 02:40:02 An incest birthday chapter 15 Ahg! 3 paragraphs in an d I am already upset! I'll go back and read the whole thing, but I think Rita should throw a hissy-fit for being separated from Randy... She should threaten any playful women, to scream "rape" if they do anything to touch her... "Nobody touches me except Randy!" And if they try to seduce her, she should give them her most hateful stare and say, I will wish you dead, every moment after. Now, where is Randy?!?" And Randy should say, "Fuck that! I don't DO surprises! I'm staying home!"
2021-01-23 02:40:08 An incest birthday chapter 15 Ahg! 3 paragraphs in an d I am already upset! I'll go back and read the whole thing, but I think Rita should throw a hissy-fit for being separated from Randy... She should threaten any playful women, to scream "rape" if they do anything to touch her... "Nobody touches me except Randy!" And if they try to seduce her, she should give them her most hateful stare and say, I will wish you dead, every moment after. Now, where is Randy?!?" And Randy should say, "Fuck that! I don't DO surprises! I'm staying home!"
2021-01-23 16:20:00 An Incest Birthday Chapter 17 RE - the last chapter... Ugh! I was so dismayed at how heartless mom and Lisa were with the twins... When Lisa was fucking Rita with the cucumber, Rita should have begun crying and wailing to Randy, "They're raping me with this damned cuke, when all I really want is you!" Then Randy explode, and slap both women hard away from his lover, saying "You m ade Rita cry!"... then Rita pull the cuke out of her pussy and throw it at the TV, ruining the screen screeching, "Hide THAT from daddy!" Then Randy cradle Rita and carry her up to their room... final tirade, "Your fucking bet, was just so you two could torture us! We are DONE with the two of you!" Leaving two sorrowful bitches, realizing that they pushed the twins too far. (Just My Opinion)