Comments from leer75372

Date Story title Comment
2024-05-22 21:18:35 Maria's Journey Another good story, Greg. Anyone who has looked at theync dot com will know of the violence of the cartels and that beheading is not unknown. Sometimes I wish there were pix to go with the stories, one has to use one’s imagination to visualise the girls. :)
2024-05-22 21:31:05 Whore Sister 1 I liked it but I wanted to read that he also fucked his nieces.
2024-06-01 22:01:21 Daddy’s Resort Trip With Daughter Although I gave it a positive rating, that’s a bit much. I didn’t want to give a negative rating. It might have been better to not give it a rating at all.
You really need an editor, there are so many things wrong with it. Even a writing program like Microsoft Word or Open Office would have picked up many of the errors.
2024-06-12 06:32:08 Whore Sister 4: Truth & Reconciliation We need another chapter telling what happens with his half sisters.
2024-06-30 10:01:22 A old evil awakens . part 1_(0) I know this comment is a long time after the story was posted but for future reference, get a proofreader. Your sentences aren’t broken up properly, they just run into each other without punctuation. That makes the story hard to read. I didn’t bother finishing this chapter and won’t waste my time reading the remaining chapters (or any of your other submissions).
BTW, you don’t put a space before and after a punctuation symbol, e.g., a comma or a full stop (period for Americans), just after the comma, etc. (See how I’ve done it above.)