Comments from Loupy

Date Story title Comment
2025-01-24 06:40:25 A Slave to my Son's Cock Thank you so much for your comment! I'm afraid you're wrong on one small detail though; I'm actually a guy, not a woman. I write from the perspective of either, just whoever has the better, more interesting point of view for the action and relationship dynamics I want to explore. Glad you enjoy my style though! Enjoy!
2025-02-01 19:52:52 Daddy Caught Me With My Doggy Glad you enjoyed it! I'll certainly think about a follow-up. I very rarely write sequels, unless I can come up with a compelling angle to approach them from. As it sits right now, I think the anticipation of what MIGHT happen is hotter than if I actually wrote down what DID happen. But, like I said, I'll spend some time thinking about it, and see if I can come up with anything worth writing. In the meantime, enjoy my other stories!
2025-02-04 17:23:03 The Stone Idol I have no idea what would make you think something like that. If you re-read my story, I think you will find that every last woman mentioned has her own agency and motivations, and acts according to her own desires. (Except possibly Chrissy, at some points, while clearly under the influence of the idol, but that's different). The only possibly questionable thing I can see is if it seems like all women are sex-crazed maniacs, but that isn't the case at all; it's simply that any women who DON'T want to have sex with Mati and Chrissy when they hear the rumors aren't a very interesting part of the story, so they don't get mentioned specifically. But by all means, if you feel there is something specific that indicates otherwise, please state your reasoning clearly, rather than relying on vague and unfounded personal accusations.
2025-02-21 22:49:55 Her Son's Devotion There are some issues; for me, I found it pretty unrealistic that the mom would go into her son's room to check his laptop while he was sleeping. Was there not any other time of day that would be easier? It was such an unusual, counter-intuitive choice for her to make, there needs to be context to justify it- maybe the son had been unusually protective of the laptop recently, refusing to let it out of his sight? That would be additional motivation for her to check. Also, story does a time jump from doing dishes immediately to that night sneaking in for the laptop again, with no written indication of what happened- it was a jarring transition. The concept's good, and some parts are really hot, but in need of a mechanical clean-up to make both characters' actions make sense. Did the computer even need to be a laptop? If it was a desktop, he wouldn't take it anywhere, and she could read everything he wrote every day while he was at school without risking getting caught.
2025-02-22 03:57:09 Her Son's Devotion Always glad to help. Lord knows I've found nasty little surprises in stuff I've already published too, from time to time, and I'd always MUCH rather people point them out so I can fix them! At least the editing and re-publication process is pretty easy here- keeps comments, views, and ratings (I believe! As far as I've noticed, at least.) and just requires the extra couple of days to get re-approved, so people don't use editing as a way to circumvent site rules.