Comments from LadyofTheRavens

Date Story title Comment
2008-09-30 20:17:48 As always beautifully creative, and very true of anything similarly monotone ( not the right word but you get the idea, where you're listening but your mind tends to wander. )

Seems the readers missed my similar effort in my poem "One Night of..." Which is posted here on the site too.
2008-10-04 00:39:00 I think the reader below me blew a fuse in their excitement. lol

Phrenetic you're definitely a master story teller and I think we are all blessed that you choose to use your talents this way.
2008-10-10 23:41:47 Mistress J Part Two Jealousy is it's own form of flattery.

Well written... and very HOT!!!
2008-10-11 18:40:19 A young guy. An older woman Loved it, and would love to see the second part!

Certainly know the feeling of being an older woman with thoughts about someone younger.
2008-10-11 20:12:05 Mother's seduction Very well written and love the progression of though he goes through as he watches.

For the uneducated louts below me, It's highly rare that a woman at age 50 is capable of bearing children, whether through the natural course of aging or having chosen to no longer be able to. I'm quite glad to see that there is no sequel as I'd much prefer the story as it is.

If anything the only continuation that a story of this quality would warrant, in my eyes, is him warning his frienIF mom lets him.. but that if he ever started bragging he'd get his ass kicked.