Comments from YoungAuthor

Date Story title Comment
2009-02-20 20:59:31 3 Gay Guys 1 Sleepover part 3 sloppily written
2009-03-26 14:59:06 Jokingly Gay this was an interesting idea.
with some more time and work, it could be a lot better.
2009-04-08 17:17:11 Guardian Angel Chapter 2 every couple sentences, you switch between past and present tense.
good story idea,
just doublecheck your work before you post it.
2009-08-06 21:33:15 Boyfriend Sex Pt. 1 that really sucks for kyle. :P

why didn't david want to have sex with kyle?
2009-11-27 02:50:35 Close Your Eyes Little Girly Boy You are an excellent writer. It's easy to tell, even from these sex stories.
Please continue with not only these stories, but your other writing as well. : )

your friend,
the Young Author