Comments from Wimmers

Date Story title Comment
2010-09-25 06:42:49 JS-Hellman
2010-09-25 06:03:38
A Negative vote for your bullshit joke..... js-hellman posts much better and much more funny jokes. people go checkout his jokes you will laugh like hell.

Are you thick or just doing a god impression? Did you see my name next to those spam messages? Everything I post has my name on it. You seem an half wit who falls for a three card trick. If it does not have my name on I never poted it. This has my name on. Try using your brain for once in your life. And no I have not voted all your stories negative like you did to mine. Fool the trolls will be laughing at you.
2010-09-25 06:45:08 JS-Hellman
2010-09-25 06:03:38
A Negative vote for your bullshit joke..... js-hellman posts much better and much more funny jokes. people go checkout his jokes you will laugh like hell.

Are you thick or just doing a god impression? Did you see my name next to those spam messages? Everything I post has my name on it. You seem an half wit who falls for a three card trick. If it does not have my name on I never posted it. This has my name on. Try using your brain for once in your life. And no I have not voted all your stories negative like you did to mine. Fool the trolls will be laughing at you.
2010-09-25 06:48:00 You won't cheat on me again. J.S. Hellman-----You believe anything, people make fortunes selling famous landmarks to idiots like you.
2010-09-25 06:51:03 Naughty Nuns and Father David. .S. Hellman-----You believe anything, people make fortunes selling famous landmarks to idiots like you. Trolls have fooled you what a mug you are.
2010-09-25 06:52:14 Taxi Home .S. Hellman-----You believe anything, people make fortunes selling famous landmarks to idiots like you. Trolls have fooled you what a mug you are.