Comments from Wimmers
Date | Story title | Comment |
2010-11-22 05:15:47 | How much can you get in? | Below enjoy your misery, with your mind you are stuck with it for life. Watch some road accident videos I am sure they are the things that amuse you. |
2010-11-22 19:52:54 | From Nyotaimori to Teppanyaki | I voted you positive, but only as a black comedy. Some of your lines are classic. |
2010-11-22 19:59:42 | Amish Girl: Raped By A Goat_(1) | Notice you got a 100% rating? There's a really good reason for that :) And Wimmers, that's a stupid question. It's quite physically IMPOSSIBLE for a human to have a goats child. Or any other animal, for that matter. Read up on genetics. Google helps. Use it. ================================================== Of course you can what about Buffalo Bill? |
2010-11-23 19:45:33 | The parrot and viagra | Nice one pervy pete, hope it got a gobble off the turkey. |
2010-11-28 08:47:21 | Friends For Dinner | I love the very large portions of humour. |