Comments from Wimmers

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-20 17:33:07 You won't cheat on me again. Below I would love to know what you mean. It's not often you see the word thanks here, thanks.
2011-05-22 14:11:31 Free Spirited (10)...Job Training (New Years Day 1999) Great story I absolutely loved it.
2011-05-28 19:29:37 Explanation of Cuckold. Below your depression is still affecting you I see. Don't listen to them when they say you are stupid.
2011-06-11 19:04:48 How much can you get in? Below I am going to finish the rest of the post for you, try to learn from me.

Wimmers cock is less then one inch away from my girlfriends open legs. She is begging him to fuck her, I wonder why she never begs poor me, is it because I am a loser ?
I wish I was wonderful like he is; I hope he does not take my girlfriend off me.
2011-06-11 19:09:33 Family Only Part 2. Below you are copying my words about your therapist lol. Do you want me to write all your comments for you lol. lol. lol.