Comments from Wimmers

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-12 18:19:27 Family Only Part 3. Beth's pre night incestation. My dear fans, I know so many of you adore me, so for that reason I am so sorry I have not posted in a while. I never forget you though; because without you; I would not be the remarkable person I am today.Sometimes I think I love you all more than you love me, how amazing is that?
2011-08-12 18:27:30 Explanation of Cuckold. My dear fans your loyalty knows no bounds; I know you idolise me; and I don't blame you. You have seen your chance to speak to a great like me; and taken that chance with both hands. Keep up your adventerous spirit; who knows; one day you may be lucky enough to have my autograph. I do hope none of you are starving; if you were I would send you some cream cake coupons.
2011-08-12 18:34:42 Sweet, Sweet Love. Fans, thank you once again for worshiping the ground I walk on. The only reason I am a GREAT, is because of wonderful people like you; coupled with my brilliance. What a fantastic team we make; I bet you are so happy having me as your role model.
2011-08-12 18:41:02 You won't cheat on me again. Hi fans, only have time to wave today, but it is enough if you can hang on to every word I say. It's the trouble with being amazing; I never have time to tell you about my greatness, maybe another time.
2011-08-13 19:39:50 Family Only Just thought I would say hi to all my devoted fans. I know it's hard without me, but you can always read my stuff to cheer you up. I have a huge apple tree in my garden, I only wish I could send all you good folks one. Adios for now my loyal followers.