Comments from Wimmers

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-20 06:47:36 You won't cheat on me again. Please, I know I am wonderful that is why you are pretending to be me. But Wimmers never forgets to log in, I am too perfect for that. No one can ever imitate me, you can only fool the fools and complete idiots like the one post below me. So what pleasure can you gain by tricking the poor mentally challenged. You can acquire all the happiness you need by reading my stories and jokes over and over again. These are free words of wisdom, brought to you by the one and only me.
2011-08-21 05:08:49 How much can you get in? I say you below, are you annoyed by any chance lol. You seem to have the brain of a small pencil that has no lead in it lol. I am only giving you trolls a taste of your own medicine, and you are finding it very hard to swallow, which is excellent, lol. lol. You may now carry on with your worship of me, on your knees.
2011-08-21 05:42:35 Family Only Part 3. Beth's pre night incestation. To all you trolls who are hated by everyone. I will tend to you, I know how you suffer, it is hard to get by in life when you are dimmer than a dead light bulb. But I don't hate you for it, goodness no, I want to help you with your lacking. Feel free to read all my work, and inspire yourself, there do you feel better now?
2011-08-21 05:49:48 Family Only Part 2. Below, don't be alarmed by them, they are quite harmless. I often come and speak to them, my words of wisdom seem to help I will always be here for the trolls, or dead heads as you call themlol, they have no one else. I can easily tell which is which, one in partcular only has a few words. Society has washed its hands of them, now all they have is an anonymous world, and my comforting words.
2011-08-21 06:00:18 Explanation of Cuckold. Hello all my fans, just to remind you, I put my name to ALL my words, I do not want anyone else claiming them. You must realise that lots of people love my works, they are not all trolls like you. But I am not here to chastise you, I want to encourage you, in the hope that one day you may recover, and go on to better things. I mean, the post below where you have left a wide gap, unless it is your way of showing everyone how empty your head is, don't you feel silly now? Hug your pillow and cry next time you think of doing that again. Now enjoy the rest of your day, and if you are feeling down, read one of my stories to cheer yourself up.